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2 Tulsa Police Officers Shoot & Kill Their Daughters Boyfriend After Finding Out He Was Black! (Video)

2 Tulsa Police Officers Shoot & Kill Their Daughters Boyfriend After Finding Out He Was Black! (Video)

by August 7, 2014 247 comments

Cops Cops & More Brutality!

By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor


You know what they say, A family that Slays Together, Stays Together!

This is what seems to have went on in Tulsa OK where husband and wife, parents & police officers Shannon & Gina Kepler decided that they had had enough of their young daughters antics & having a black boyfriend who dared talk back was the last straw!

The story below is a story of how black men need to act when they are not armed and how white men are willing to act when they are!  The man had no regard for anyones life nor has any thought in his head that justice will touch him or his wife..Take a look!

By all accounts, Jeremy Lake was not a bad guy as a matter of fact it was him who had his stuff together while the kepler daughter was a career screw up so what could have happened during this chance encounter between the four parties?

When I heard the words, and exchange of words took place, I immediately knew what happened.  We think that we can hold court in the streets with white people and thats not true.  You better start telling your children that many white people are not only not afraid to shoot a black kid but many are look for reasons to do so because of how often they get away with it!  Stop knocking on white peoples doors at 4am, stop yelling back at them about how you are going to keep playing loud music and stop arguing with them over dating their daughters.  If you are going to do any of these things, make sure that its you the one armed and not the other way around!

A general rule of thumb is that if a white dude is being combative, he is armed! I mean take a look at the Eric Garner case.  That white cop didnt get bad until his buddies arrived!

The police are not here to protect and serve and most definitely not us as black people and we better realize that sooner than later!

These two cops have been on the force for years so shouldnt we now look at all of the arrest that they have made in the past with a side eye?  I cant just say what happened here because we dont completely know but what we do know is that yet another black kid is in the streets dead due to the hands of white police officers.  Are they not hiring people who are mentally stable which is why are police forces are so brutal now?  Are they hiring these undertrained people on purpose?  You tell me, But this dude found love and a week later he was dead and thats some bs!!!!


Oh & PS.  Where are the niggaz who stalk me?  Surely they are going to stalk white supremacy?  Can you tell me why they dont?

One man is dead and two Tulsa police officers are in custody after a fatal shooting Tuesday night involving the officers’ daughter and her boyfriend.

A lot of people wonder what could’ve led up to a situation involving the two veteran officers and the deadly shooting, but family friends said the Kepler’s family situation had been trouble filled for years.

Gina Kepler has a wedding picture of her and her husband Shannon posted on her Facebook page, and many of their adopted daughters.

Once the couple realized they couldn’t have kids, they decided to adopt and started with two sisters; Lisa, the oldest, was six at the time.

Family friends said both girls had been diagnosed with Reactive attachment disorder, which leads to serious behavioral issues.

They said the Keplers devoted their lives, and thousands of dollars, to helping the girls get the help they need.

They even adopted their younger sister when she was four months old.

Friends said the Keplers had Lisa, in and out of programs, homes and therapy, including the Thunderbird Academy, but she was frequently kicked out of them.

Family friends said the Keplers had tried everything and were at their wit’s end, so last week they dropped off Lisa, who’s now 18, at a homeless shelter in downtown Tulsa.

They said the Keplers were hoping a dose of reality would get their daughter on track, but said Gina was worried sick about her daughter and cried frequently.

Lisa said she met a boy, Jeremy Lake, at the homeless shelter and he invited her to live with his family nearby.

On Facebook, Lisa posted that she and Jeremy were in a relationship as of Tuesday.

“I’ve known him a week, less than a week. He was everything, he gave me a place to stay, food to eat, a bed to sleep in. He meant a lot to me and dad came and took him away,” Lisa said.

She and Jeremy were walking near his home Tuesday night when her dad pulled up in an SUV. She said the three exchanged some words and then her father shot at them; Jeremy was shot and killed.

Police said Shannon left the scene and he and his wife later turned themselves in with an attorney, but, did not give police the gun or the SUV.

Lisa said her parents had never shown any violence to her or her sisters and is shocked by all this.

“I’m just so confused and lost. I don’t know what to do,” she said.

I put in a request to interview the Keplers but, they declined, saying it wasn’t the time.

Both are being held in jail without bond.

247 Comments so far

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  1. poetmm .
    #1 poetmm . 7 August, 2014, 16:41

    I think we don’t give enough credit how crazy some people are.What threat did the boy had on this grown man for him to shoot him. I think he was going to them both regardless if the boy didn’t talk back to him or not.

    • Tommy Sotomayor
      Tommy Sotomayor 7 August, 2014, 17:33

      i didnt say the boy threatened him.. i said talk shit like how the dudes that stalk me do.. i know because i have ran off at the mouth to people and honestly im lucky to be alive today

      • Anthony Thomas
        Anthony Thomas 7 August, 2014, 18:56

        He MIGHT have said something, but as I said Lisa said they just rolled up, he came closer and shots were fired. They tried to kill her too, though half-ass.

        The point is, he’s dead and it’s likely the Feds need to get involved as this is civil rights violation.

        I don’t know why you would risk dating White women in Southern US, it’s just asking for trouble.

        • Fata5
          Fata5 9 August, 2014, 00:43

          Nobody has rights. Hate crimes laws only exist to make white people loath any interaction with black individuals. Diversity is for the poor and segregation is for the elites. Funny, right? You are playing into their hand by making this a race issue, instead of a police state – big government issue.

        PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:06

        a wise man learns from his mistakes… providing he is lucky enough to be given that opportunity… you are both lucky and wise my friend…

        • PRODIGAL SUN
          PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:37

          also there is a distinction between being a threat, and threatening someone… i don’t think poetmm meant the version you replied to

      • lordssaints
        lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 20:33

        so true and that goes for any race. there crazy people out there……….. i know i would have kept walking looking at her like she crazy. he did just meet her in a shelter.

  2. Sheldon Prescott
    #2 Sheldon Prescott 7 August, 2014, 16:49

    I’m all for interracial dating, but stuff like this makes me skeptical on dating white women.

    • Anthony Thomas
      Anthony Thomas 7 August, 2014, 18:30

      Only in ‘Merica… Get out of America.

        PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 18:53

        anywhere you’d recommend in particular… 😉
        [btw i’m in England and it sucks here too]

        • Anthony Thomas
          Anthony Thomas 7 August, 2014, 18:57

          What’s wrong with the UK? 22% (BM/WW)? You can try Brasil (39%)

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:05

            where to start it’s a long list… in short lets just say we are too eager to follow the fucked up trends that start in the good ‘ole US of A… we might get along a little better racially here, but divide ourselves based on class and income… if your poor in the U.K you’re just as fucked as any ghetto in america

          • Anthony Thomas
            Anthony Thomas 7 August, 2014, 19:06

            Then by all means, South America. The pound is worth considerably more down there, than the dollar.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:10

            then i’ll see you there dude… now the world cup is over it should be back to normal… but by all accounts the rich/poor divide is pretty bad there… maybe i’ll take what few pounds i have and do my best to fit in, in the favelas… and try not to get mistaken for a rich tourist and robbed

          • Anthony Thomas
            Anthony Thomas 7 August, 2014, 19:44

            Trust me you can afford to live in Brasil like a normal middle class person. Rent is 60% less than in Los Angeles. You can find furnish apartments for $400-$500 a month, maybe less in lesser known towns and cities. Just do your research, I can give you some pointers, my email/twitter is on my discus profile.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:55

            do you work for their tourist board? you’re making it sound very appealing… sadly you pay me a huge compliment by over estimating my income… i’m one broke motherfucker atm… no joke #hardtimes

          • Manny E. Irizarry
            Manny E. Irizarry 21 September, 2014, 16:17

            Thank goodness…for Chef Boyardee…that you’re broke alas my primer statement about you.

          • commonman80
            commonman80 7 August, 2014, 19:20

            The Pound is worth more than the dollar all over the world. Always has been…

          • lordssaints
            lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 20:27

            dont believe that for a sec mate i have lived in both and England is way better if u are broke. shit in Detroit they just cut water off to 45,000 people. they would never do that here.

        • commonman80
          commonman80 7 August, 2014, 19:15

          People of Color are BRAINED WASHED. People of color who live in White Dominated Societies are they only peoples on earth that go out and fight Wars for the same people who oppress us… Before we go out and fight the wars, and when we return AFTER FIGHTING THE WARS..

          Nelson Mandela said it best. It went something like this. Just because the The Whites have Enemies, Doesn’t mean that they’re OUR peoples Enemies.. However, That’s what Brainwashing does. It twists the wits…

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:34

            i’d go one better and say ANYONE that fights another mans war is a moron… when an invading army is already where i live is the only time i can ever see myself taking up arms in war, and even then i’d have my doubts… i have no enemies that i don’t know personally… and very few of them

          • SeanBusmc .
            SeanBusmc . 8 August, 2014, 14:23


        • lordssaints
          lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 19:16


          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:33

            yeah like i said we may get along better racially… the oppression in this country is harder to spot and usually a rich poor thing… glad this country has been good to you man… so which island did you come from before making your way to this one?

          • lordssaints
            lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 20:23


          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 20:27

            never thought of Bermuda as being anything other than tranquil… but i guess never having been there and only ever seeing it on travel guides that assumption is easy to make…

          • lordssaints
            lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 20:45

            well it was until 15 years ago this fuck up black govt took over and i say black because every single one of them was black.; basically got the whole island up in a race war where black people lost focus of today and got them thinking about the past slavery and shit. they won the election 2 times and ran the island for 16 years up to 2 years ago. while they ran the island into the ground and now we went from not ever being in debt to being 2.5 billion in debt in island that only 21 miles big. when any body white talk about it all they can say is what happened in slavery and when any black people talk about it they call them uncle toms, house niggers but they fail to realize is that they are still getting fuck over by this new black govt. even worst then before. but before to them is not 10 years ago its 100 so they will not look at today and see all the good both races have done to come together. all they see is color of skin and it so sad for me. really how can any man grow up with 65% of a certain kind of people where u go school with them from the age of 5 and u make friends before you even learn about racism. funny thing is when we are all kids we all get along and some where along the way we start to think what the other person is thinking and we r getting it all wrong.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 20:56

            i have friends and family from there [both black and white] and never knew shit was so bad… gonna have to talk to a few of them and ask why they never mentioned this… am guessing since they now live here, they, like me might not know what is really happening out there… sad to hear… and a good insight as to why you are a here [the website not England] am sure you have more reasons than just that though… sadly it seems like the effects of the past are more prevalent than any of us knew…

          • lordssaints
            lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 21:16

            well i moved to England because of gangs my wife bother was shot and killed and her other brother was shot like 5 times but he lived and fled to England, even now to this date there has never been a white shooter or a white person getting shot. when the whites tried to help and come together the black said mind ur own business and now that it been 5 years later and 20 something murders now they say that we whites like it like that and we dont care. but the fact is it their family member’s doing it and they dont say shit. i tell u what if my dad went thur my stuff and found a gun he would call the cops before he told me that for sure. so i for one never business in that madness. but yet my wife family knew their son was in a gang. he would bring them up to his family home. i even told the mother that these guys are known for some heavy shit and she never said shit to him about it. all they did was look at me like i was trying to be nasty. and guess what the same guys he brought around was the same one that got his brother killed and got him shot.
            so ur from bermuda or has ties. what ur peoples name.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 21:38

            wow that’s messed up… hope your life has taken a more positive turn now your here… i dunno how this works but if possible to send me a private message on here i’d like to discuss this with you in more detail at some point dude… if you know how hit me up and i’ll add you on facebook or something… smith is the original name of my family from out there… dunno if it’s as common there as here maybe they are the only smith’s on the island for all i know… it’s my aunty [by marriage married my uncle hence the surname change] [her family is mixed, she is white]… have never been out there but would like to go despite what you just told me… she went out to visit recently with her daughter and the from the pics i have seen it looks beautiful…

          • lordssaints
            lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 22:40

            go go go. meet the family smiths is the largest of all surnames. one thing about bermuda that is great if u dont look for trouble then u wont find any. its still a good place but i grew up when it was great. bermuda was 3 richest in the world now we cant even borrow money. all because people cant see people for what they are and not the color of their skin. you would have a blast but it one of the most expensive places to go in the world. hamburger and fries cost over 10 u.s

        • jason42175
          jason42175 7 August, 2014, 19:46

          England has far more IR dating than the USA their stuck on an island, they have no choice.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:58

            we also have been a tolerant society [on the whole] for a long while now… ask any black ww2 vets how they were treated when they got here [compared to america at the time] or watch any good documentary about how blues artists were treated when they came here in the 40’s 50’s and 60’s… we still have our fair share of racism here… but it’s not the norm

          • Manny E. Irizarry
            Manny E. Irizarry 8 August, 2014, 13:35

            And you would think that Prodigal Sun wouldn’t have such an arduous time trying to court UK women. Chances are he’s a hideous-looking, Nigerian-British man whom probably makes Djimon Hounsou and Seal look aesthetically like the late Paul Walker or Brad Pitt. He probably has psoriasis and HSV-2 through -9 on his gulliver. Wanker.

            I wouldn’t even acknowledge you in near proximity if I were in London bagging Middle-Eastern and even racist, caste-system Indian women from India.

          • SeanBusmc .
            SeanBusmc . 8 August, 2014, 14:23


          • bert fromarketin
            bert fromarketin 11 August, 2014, 16:44

            you live there???

          • ike301
            ike301 26 August, 2014, 17:14

            Do you live in both places, since you are quick to run to Jason42175 defense?

          • ike301
            ike301 26 August, 2014, 17:13

            How do you know this? Please provide the data, so we can look this up for ourselves. Thanks.

        • Manny E. Irizarry
          Manny E. Irizarry 8 August, 2014, 02:27

          Prodigal Sun, just stay in an English-speaking country. It’s bad enough that other places are slowly going to shit because of people like you whom bring their idiosyncratic (yes that only exist in the dysfunctional U.S. of Gay) Western ways to foreign countries and refuse to assimilate into the foreign culture and pray that all the “bruh-ther lover” reject-of-their-respective-race women come running you down. “Making it rain” in foreign clubs only “makes it pain[ful]” for men all over in the long run. Women are basically children in a grown-up body and giving them money just for existing is ruining the lifestyle…just like tipping a slwhore you finished smashing…you paid for the service…fuck that she tells you that she has kids – it can be a lie – don’t tip, stupid. She made her bed already and lied/”lied” in it with a prior SIMP. So why should you pay for her mistakes. She can get fucked off on that one. Em serio.

          Just suck it up ooops I meant politically-correct to say “aquiesce” to N. American women. Thanks. Club Help in Rio went to the “dawgs” #literally …Stupid pretos don’t want to learn the idioma and respect the culture without wearing their c.ocks on their sleeve. Pathetic. Stop spreading the matriarchy!!!!!

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 06:16

            oh my, oh my, oh my… wtf does this ignorant mofo spouting big words he had to look up, but still doesn’t understand think he means? you obviously have no clue what the world outside of America is like dude… i ain’t playing at shit!!! who i am being is who i am… the language you think you are speaking is ENGLISH as in from ENGLAND but you wouldn’t know anything about that now would you… i grew up in LONDON one of the most racially integrated societies on this planet… my family are not rich i grew up in government housing [what you call the projects]… i have friends from ALL over the world and they come from more cultures/religions/skin tones then you could imagine with your simple ass and i respect their different cultures… just because my skin is white and i happen to live here does not mean i am ENGLISH either… you have no idea where my peoples are from… so how do i refuse to assimilate and how the fuck do your words apply to me especially the spreading Matriarchy… all other cultures i know outside of the US of A are patriarchal… you have no idea of who i am and your wall of text barely makes sense… your just mad ‘cos i fir in better with your people than you do!!! and you know why, because this is not new to me… YOU TALK A WHOLE HEAP OF SHIT in a thread where people are CLEARLY getting along… so why not ask any of the people here [my peers] whom i have been talking to what i am and what i’m not… they are my people [ie us humans] not you… if you want to know what life is really like here outside your ghetto mentality framework, try asking the dude who came here from Barbados what life is like in the rest of the world… but do us both a favor and don’t talk to me… now sit down with your simple ass

          • Manny E. Irizarry
            Manny E. Irizarry 21 September, 2014, 16:14

            See it would be harder for me to become arrested by an English officer because the cops there are more disperse per square kilometer there. So if you were to talk shit in front of me, I’d drop you where you’d stand and not go to jail for it. Or i might laugh from your accent and laugh at any punch you’d ticklet me with. I’m sure you are not more brawlic than I am. Always bet on mulatto; tell Wesley Snipes I changed up his slogan a tad! 😀

          • Manny E. Irizarry
            Manny E. Irizarry 21 September, 2014, 16:16

            or better yet, I’d be smashing your non-African English chicks over there of other races than Black; I’d become too busy doing that for me to even meet you somewhere to touch you.

        • bert fromarketin
          bert fromarketin 11 August, 2014, 16:44

          STAY’s sooo much worst here!!!

  3. truckerdave
    #3 truckerdave 7 August, 2014, 16:55

    Yeap, white folks don’t play that mess, they demand respect or get shot.

      PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 18:20

      this had nothing to do with respect this was a control issue… daddy’s and especially cops hate loosing control of their daughters [and kids in general]… he was giving his daughter a way to escape their control so in these sick pig cops minds it was fully justified… needless to say it was not justified at all

      • truckerdave
        truckerdave 7 August, 2014, 18:31

        I was replying to the part where there was a heat of exchanges and the kid must have said something that pretty much cost him his life, and tommy is pointing that out so when we find ourselves in that position, is to play nice or start blasting away, not going off at the mouth and unarmed.

        • PRODIGAL SUN
          PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 18:48

          i don’t think it would have mattered what he said or what tone he used… this was premeditated and that sick bastard would have pulled the trigger as soon as he realized that he was not going to get his way… the argument that Tommy makes about not trying to hold court is probably true… but in this case i don’t think it would have changed the outcome… that said i agree with your point about playing nice or start blasting… sadly there doesn’t seem to be a middle ground where [no offense] Americans with guns are concerned…

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 18:50

            anyway for all we know the kid was being respectful… the only one that will be able to tell us is the daughter [‘cos i wouldn’t trust anything the cop had to say]

          • Anthony Thomas
            Anthony Thomas 7 August, 2014, 18:51

            Agreed, as I said a grieving Lisa Kepler said they just rolled up, he went up to the SUV and he shot him and then tried to shoot her… They dropped her ass off at a homeless shelter? Model Parents? #SMH

          • Fata5
            Fata5 9 August, 2014, 00:37

            People should only adopt from other people in their family. Source: Both my siblings are adopted, and shit is getting really complicated. White-Guilt fucked these parents raw; such a horrible disease.

  4. thebigmac69
    #4 thebigmac69 7 August, 2014, 17:11

    Where are the revolutionary niggaz who stalk Tommy ? Surely they are going to stalk white supremacy ? Can you tell me why they don’t?

  5. FastBrian1
    #5 FastBrian1 7 August, 2014, 17:13

    Tommy, you got the wrong photo of the slain kid. The kid who was killed was a half breed with blond hair and blue eyes. Sorry no link, just Google image search “Jeremy Lake”

    • Tommy Sotomayor
      Tommy Sotomayor 7 August, 2014, 17:32

      thats the guy they put on the news story though! that was from his facebook

      • FastBrian1
        FastBrian1 7 August, 2014, 17:51

        OK sorry. After looking around more it does appear to be the same guy in poor lighting. The other photos they have of him he looks like a white kid. His mother and little brothers are snow white for sure though. Again, sorry for my mistake, wasn’t trying to cause doubt.

        • Realist Soul
          Realist Soul 7 August, 2014, 18:37

          The kid is obviously mixed. His stepmother is white and his stepbrothers or half-brothers are white. It doesn’t undermine the point of the story though.

          • FastBrian1
            FastBrian1 7 August, 2014, 18:57

            I personally think there are conclusions being jumped to, I’ve read nothing to suggest this was racially motivated. I could be wrong, but it could just be a father protecting his daughter and shit got out of hand. As of now there isn’t much to go on in terms of a racially motivated crime other than the kid having some African blood in him, possibly only a quarter black. The kid has lighter hair and eyes than I do for crying out loud.

          • Realist Soul
            Realist Soul 7 August, 2014, 19:12

            I agree with you to a certain extent. It’s something to look further into. Even though white genes are recessive, children from mixed relationships (black and white specifically) may easily pass for white. Rashida Jones is just one example.

          • lordssaints
            lordssaints 8 August, 2014, 05:04

            or black it goes both ways

    • commonman80
      commonman80 7 August, 2014, 17:41

      That’s him… You’re just looking at him from a different angle…

    • Fata5
      Fata5 9 August, 2014, 00:40

      It looks like he’s a second generation double-halfbreed.

  6. Andrew Robins
    #6 Andrew Robins 7 August, 2014, 17:23

    A damn shame but what is really being done about this senseless violence against black Americans. Absolutely nothing. It is nothing new to Black Americans and you know you niggas dont even care unless it has happened too you. I
    agree with Tommy that this shit will never change because you niggas
    are too damn afraid and have been too damn afraid too do anything about
    it. All that shit that was done in the past for our so called delusional
    freedom was always a waste in my opinion. Only thing that has changed
    is the tactics of control which was implemented from the start. And they
    have both Black and regular white folks following every ploy used right
    to the letter. What I honestly would like to see is for all of you Niggas whom sit
    and complain, whine, bitch, and moan about all of the injustice’s they
    feel is upon themselves/group/black Americans in general is to SHUT THE
    FUCK UP and SIT THE FUCK DOWN.. Your not going to rise up and do
    shit/change anything that has been/is and will go on. You fools will go and kill another Black American before you do anything to any White American and the same goes for any other lil color you want to pick That in general is no more American than yourself.

  7. commonman80
    #7 commonman80 7 August, 2014, 17:27


  8. commonman80
    #8 commonman80 7 August, 2014, 17:32

    Yep Tommy. However, the daughter looks African American. She looks so darn light, she’s darn near White.. I don’t think The Adoptive Parents know that. Most white people don’t know about that…

    • Theotherbrotherfromanotherplan
      Theotherbrotherfromanotherplan 7 August, 2014, 19:54

      I think she’s biracial, ether black and white or white and spanish. But maybe they do know what she is and don’t care because they are light skin.

    • Manny E. Irizarry
      Manny E. Irizarry 8 August, 2014, 01:47

      REally??? This is why I cannot stand most Americans, especially Black Americans whom juxtapose themselves to that one-drop/Jim-Crow malarkey of a rule!! She doesn’t look African American nor Black American. Barack Obama is a real African American: his father from Kenya (an African country), his American White mom from Kansas/Hawaii (a state of the USA). She is mixed at the “Blackest”, you stupid “Oooh my god she makes our race look so much more diverse against Whitey, let’s impromptu “recruit” her as Black”. That’s why most of you sorry Black Americans do that crap. That’s why Dominicans smack down that one-drop rule and don’t want to have nada to do with most Black Americans. NINE votes of people whom have “one-drop rule” beer goggles on. Em serio???

      And a lot of other Americans believe that girls like her are Black. So stupid. Em Brasil, ha muito people whom are Pardo and are actually recognized as mixed down there!!! Not as Black, you unfettered cretins.

      And that’s probably why that boy whom became shot in this Tulsa story liked her due to that stupid “divide and conquer/one drop rule” as he had probably said, “ooooo she redddddd…she a redbone…..she a sistah…..i gotz to smash it raw….real talk, mayne.”….That’s why Tracee Ellis Ross used to date Akon’s brother, and he’s dark-as-all-get out…..every mixed or light skinned woman in the U.S. of Gay is being dated by dark-hued, Black men. It’s like every hued, Black man’s goal.

      Is Feminism that pervasive in the Black “community” that these dark men have to get mixed or non-Black women just because Black women don’t know how to submit (oooo such a “bad” word), be demure and docile without being uber-weak.


      PostScript: I’m not Black to all the Jim-Crow YouTube Channel subscribers, but I’ll still get the “Black by association by aestethic phenotypical, you’re-cursed-because-you-look-Black-like-we’s, boss” comments.

      • Lee Bellamy
        Lee Bellamy 8 August, 2014, 12:53

        Obama is a real African American? You are as bad as any half brain idiot that is black that questions someones blackness. Fuck the one drop rule. No one has the right to question anyone else’s ethnicity if that is what they identify as. As long as they are not claiming to be one race with one group of people then tell another group of people something else to fit in. Because one thing I have noticed is that a person born in Africa can not call themselves African without being jumped on if they are white or Egyptian. Why does that happen? These people say they are African and all hell breaks lose with blacks and whites. Whites may not always say to that person’s face that they are not really African but, they sure as hell are thinking it. I feel like the reason you do not like people thinking this girl is not white is because to a white person that is an accusation. It is like someone has accused that person of wrong doing. As if speculating on if she is black or not is an insult to her. People thinking that she does not have all European ancestors is not an insult. It is just speculation. It is a comment. No one is accusing her of a crime. Whenever anyone says what you just said it does not matter if they are black or white or any other race it sounds to me like you think someone just accused her of a major crime. Like a white person being mistaken for anything other than all European is a crime against humanity.

        • Manny E. Irizarry
          Manny E. Irizarry 8 August, 2014, 13:24

          What did my disclaimer say at the bottom? And you’re too stupid to realize I’m not Black alluding to how Blacks love to claim anything with a pulse and melanin as the altruistic member of the Black race. You don’t know fuck shit about your W. African roots so there’s nada about you that is African nor African American. I had demystified for you, at a meticulous level, how African Americans should be ascertained as to not being Black Americans. But your tortile mind couldn’t fathom it. I debunked it, and only because I didn’t say certain words, you felt you could fill in the void by aggregating your idle banter and feeble ad-hominem attacks. You Americans based things on race more than culture alas why Americans have a wayward “culture”; one doesn’t know anything if they never had it or if they don’t have one anymore. Go figure.

          I have Brazilian heritage and I don’t look like most Black Americans alas the differences. I sound like an Ashkenazi Jew from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn when I speak. I do not have that bassy tremolo draw that most Blacks have even when trying to sound Anglo-Saxon-American.

          I see what Tommy goes through in addressing HBCU (and HBNU-educated) charlatans whom pontificate about “Whitey” and “crackers” all day. Llevo a cabo que sea estupida la mayoria de morenos de eeuu. Solo dejame tranquilo y favor de mantenerse alejados de mi! Thankx. 😀

          • Lee Bellamy
            Lee Bellamy 8 August, 2014, 23:11

            You just proved my point. I said white or black. Most people who comment on Tommy’s videos are one or the other. I guess I should have said black, white, Latina, Asian and just named every race on earth. Next time I will just say black or non black. The problem with what you said is that you seem to have had some type of fit because you thought that I said you were black.

            Why does someone thinking that you are black upset you so much? If it is not because you see people thinking that you are black is an insult? Otherwise why have a fit about it? I am not one of those black american idiots that Tommy does his videos about. I said that if a person identifies THEMSELVES as a certain race it is either business. As long as it is not an attempt to make life easier or fit in. When people do that they are usually telling lies about there who their ancestors are or leaving out some of there less liked ancestors. I do not like liars of any kind. I see that as a lie. I also said that anyone born in Africa is an African. As you see most black people who are born here say African AMERICAN.

            When did I say cracker? White African ancestors? My white ancestors are american. I know for a fact that my most direct white ancestor was a slave master. My fiance is white. I do not have a problem with anyone of any race. You can not change the fact that non white people that are called black are angry or offended because they take it as an insult. It seems you sure did. You are the one speculating since you assumed that I hate white people because I said something about a certain group of white people I do not agree with. I also said black. Does that mean I hate black people because I do not agree with every thing they say? I think not.

          • Emco Escobar
            Emco Escobar 9 August, 2014, 04:40

            I am black and me claiming to be Asian won’t make me Asian just like mixed people claiming (or that people claim ) to be black won’t make them black.
            At the end of the day, They are 50% white – 50% black and their real names are “Mixed”.

          • Lee Bellamy
            Lee Bellamy 9 August, 2014, 10:56

            This is the problem. If someone that you would call mixed says that they are black I do not care. That is their opinion of themselves. I can not argue with someones assessment of themselves. I may not agree with it. I may agree with it. It is their life.

            Maybe I feel that way because my mom’s skin tone is the same as Mariah Carey’s. My mom’s father was dark and she looks like her mother as far as skin tone goes. I am close to being light skinned but, not as light as my mom and my sister is dark skinned. People always say that I look like my mom. We have the same body type and are the same height. My is looks just like our mom as far as facial features but, all people can see is my sister’s dark skin. My sister looks like our mom and people can not see that because they are looking at skin color only. My sister had to listen to all kinds of shit about her skin color. Of course Tar Baby is number one. I was told that I sound white. By black people. We all know that is an insult that says you are not black enough. So, my sister is too black and I am not black enough? What kind of Fuckery is that?

            If we go by what you said then if my mom had been born with grey eyes instead of brown people should consider her mixed even though it was an ancestor and not her mom or dad that was white. My mom had us late in life so she is 76 now. Would you like to tell her that she was not black enough to pick cotton when she was a little girl and not black enough to have to sit in the back of the bus? If my dad had been light skinned and me and my sister had very light skin and curly hair like my mom I guess you would assume one of our parents is white. You would be dead wrong. Other people are that light skinned and do have curly hair and their parents have a light skin color. They are not 50% white and 50% black. It is more complex than that.

          • Chris Gray
            Chris Gray 13 August, 2014, 14:25

            You can’t get 50% Black from an African AMERICAN because they are already about 20% White on average to start. Mulatto in the U.S. is about 30% Black as a result unless you’re Obama. I don’t look mixed, but I am 79% Black, 6% Native American and 14% White. You will have a hard time finding an Afram who isn’t in my opinion. I took 3 different DNA tests to be sure.

          • Emco Escobar
            Emco Escobar 13 August, 2014, 14:43

            Obama’s father was an African immigrant so he is definitely 50/50.
            Anyway, your comment proves me even more right.
            If African Americans themselves aren’t even completely black, how come any other race mixed with them is?

          • Eugene Darron
            Eugene Darron 22 August, 2014, 01:18

            You are going to have a stroke if you do not calm down. Who cares what anyone calls themselves or anyone else? Is it that serious to you? Oh and unless you are here, do not refer to the one-drop rule, you cannot understand it really. The one-drop rule was actually used by the racists in America to oppress people. I can see you dislike Americans and that is fine, either leave the country if you are here or stop using our websites if not. Simple, do not associate with what you do not like.

            Heritage is over-rated, focus on the here and now please. Heritage does nothing for who you choose to be in the present. It is nice to identify with a group of ethnic people for posterity sake, however, it does not make the person. Who you are is within your personality, not in your heritage. So many people are so obsessed with heritage that they do not witness or understand what is occurring in the front of their faces in the present.

            I am sorry that people mistake you for black, it obviously upsets you. If it makes you feel better, I will officially speak on behalf of the black race and inform everyone that you are not. There is a new category in the US by the way, mixed race, since most of us (myself included) have multiple ethnicities within us (I am Native American, Sicilian, Anglo, Black). I refer to myself as a mutt, more importantly, an American. Proud and strong in that, like you are proud of your country. I identify with that proud and strong. Instead of being so angry about things uncontrollable, provide a solution and help work toward changing the collective environment that is aggrevating you.

            By the way, not all blacks in America are as you describe. Get to know more people than your limited experience allows you to experience. Many of us are very nice people. Thank you.

          • David Greener
            David Greener 8 September, 2014, 14:00

            thanks man need more thinkers like you

        • David Greener
          David Greener 8 September, 2014, 13:57

          whites will not claim a half breed ok

      • Emco Escobar
        Emco Escobar 9 August, 2014, 04:19

        I read it five times and I just LOVE IT. There is nothing that I or anyone can add to it.
        I have been saying the same thing but almost always got insulted by my fellow black people.This kind of idiocy only happens in the US.
        I mean how can you look at some people with very pale skin and blue eyes(ie.Michael Ealy) and call them black? It’s riddiculous.

        • Satay31
          Satay31 10 August, 2014, 02:12

          You and this Manny character are probably the most ignorant people living on the planet today. I really wish the Dominican’s like the Hatian’s who some how feel they are “more” then African American’s back to their respective crappy mounds of dirt in the Atlantic ocean. How foolish to think you are better when your ancestors hit the Carib the same way ours hit the shores of North America in the holds of slave ships! Do you realize the ALL people come from the same source??? Where is that foolish people?? AFRICA!! So yes Michael Ealy is BLACK!! And so many more…….

          • Emco Escobar
            Emco Escobar 10 August, 2014, 14:51

            First of all no one feels better than African Americans. You guys are the only ones who feel that way. Moreover, you guys are the only ones who literally FORCE other people to call themselves black. When someone doesn’t want to be called black you automatically think that they feel better than black people or they reject their black side which , in a lot of case is not even true. A lot of them acknowledge their African ancestry but they , unlike in America, don’t throw their white or Indian side out the window.
            Since when pale skin and blue eye is a black feature? Does Michael Ealy look like Kunta Kinte? I don’t think so. You are so stupid if you call me stupid I feel super smart.
            You can call Mr Ealy, Barack Obama it’s NOT going to change their genes. At the end of the day, they’re genetically still 50% black 50%white and that is something you CANNOT change.
            You don’t realize that the whole world is laughing at your desperation when you call Barack Obama the first “black president” . What do you do with his white side? Oh you ignore it? Well guess what… You can ignore it all you want it’s going to be there for ever.

          • Lee Bellamy
            Lee Bellamy 11 August, 2014, 12:59

            I would like you to reply to these questions, even if the reply is that you do not know. The last time that I made a comment I stated that my mother is light skinned enough for people to think that she is white but, she has a light skinned mother and a dark skinned father. She does not have blue eyes. What do you think she should say when asked her race? I am light skinned but, not as light as her and my sister is dark skinned because we have a light skinned mom and a dark skinned father. What is my sister suppose to say about her race?

            If we only go by skin color then it is sounding like you are saying that if you look mixed that is what you should identify your race as. What about when you have siblings with the same biological parents and some of the children are light skinned and some are dark skinned? How does the light skinned parent and siblings say that they are mixed because of the lightness or their skin without making the dark skinned sibling feel like they do not belong even more than they may already do? Remember these siblings have the same biological parents but very different skin colors. If someone else feels that if you look mixed you should say you are mixed no matter what. Could you give me a reply as well? I would like to add that I do not act like I have only African ancestors. I have African and European ancestors and do not pretend otherwise. I do not trow away one side in favor of the other. As I said my sister is dark skinned she just got more of here skin color genes (if genes is the correct word) from our black ancestors than I did.

          • Emco Escobar
            Emco Escobar 11 August, 2014, 17:42

            Ok I’m going to make this as simple as possible.
            We all know black people (real black people with black features and genes) come in all shades so there are some light and dark skinned black people.
            However, do not confuse light skinned black people with mixed people all they have in common is their light skins other than that light skinned black people don’t have curly/straight hair, blue eyes etc…
            A light skinned black person is just light skinned and that’s it.
            A mixed person is someone who has white in them.
            This is not about “look” it’s about genes and heritage.
            It’s as simple as that.
            You can call mixed people black but deep down you know that they’re not really black. I have no problem with that(why would I?) it’s just that it’s really stupid. If you have a white mother and a black father how the hell are you black? Where did your white side go?
            I would also like to add that this kind of stupidity only happens in America so don’t get mad at Dominicans if they don’t want to be called black because honestly, most of them are NOT black.

          • Lee Bellamy
            Lee Bellamy 11 August, 2014, 21:57

            Thank you for your reply. I understand what you are saying.

          • David Greener
            David Greener 8 September, 2014, 13:54

            A light skinned black person is just light skinned and that’s it. like you said

          • Manny E. Irizarry
            Manny E. Irizarry 8 September, 2014, 15:33

            The only way a person can be a light-skinnd Black is if he/she were albino or have vitiligo. No other way!!!!

          • David Greener
            David Greener 8 September, 2014, 13:51

            black is black

          • Manny E. Irizarry
            Manny E. Irizarry 8 September, 2014, 15:31

            I read up on this comment at a very late point-in-time. Thank you Emco for seconding how I logically feel!!!

          • satay31
            satay31 28 September, 2014, 19:10

            Yes BLACK people can have blue eyes, hazel, and or green eyes as well. The color of your eyes is a genetic anomaly it has nothing to do with your race. If you want to be technical ALL people are black we all come from the same source white skin like blue eyes is an anomaly. Barak Obama identifies as black nobody forced him to do so, he understands that in this society you are black if you only have one black parent and it wasn’t black people who made this so. Until the last 20-30 years there were states where the legal definition of black was to have 1 drop of black blood. For Indians to be a half breed was the worst thing you could be white people didn’t accept you nor did most native Americans. Interesting that having a white mother didn’t make him more acceptable to the conservatives, have you ever seen a party create 2 sub parties to address only one part of a presidents nationality? There were at least 5 other presidents who had foreign born parents and one where both parents were foreign born. Where was the tea party or the birthers then?? What was different about this president? better question is why you are angry that black people took what was supposed to be a negative and turned it into a positive . If you don’t want to identify as black don’t. Most black people don’t give a damn if you call yourself a purple monkey, just don’t get an attitude when we accept who we are with pride. Now when white people look at you sideways in this country or treat you like a minority you just make sure you let them know you are not black, I am sure they will fix how they treat you right away!

          • David Greener
            David Greener 8 September, 2014, 13:49

            thank you

        • Manny E. Irizarry
          Manny E. Irizarry 8 September, 2014, 15:39

          Thank you Emco. I appreciate that 😀

      • David Greener
        David Greener 8 September, 2014, 13:46

        half right half wrong

      • David Greener
        David Greener 8 September, 2014, 13:47

        if you look black you are black

    • Natasha Maria Mitchell
      Natasha Maria Mitchell 10 August, 2014, 12:50

      This is so shocking to me in 2014 you get shot because you are black. i don’t want to know how a story like this is not publicized, this is crazy. but if a black man J-walks it is splashed all over the news like there is no tomorrow. i am still waiting for a result from the football teens that stopped their team mate from shooting another team mate on the bus after practice.

  9. Aamil Aaqil-Darnell Afham
    #9 Aamil Aaqil-Darnell Afham 7 August, 2014, 17:52

    I live in OKC. Learned about the Tulsa burning during my Masters program at Langston University. From what I know and understand, they better had turned themselves in. Cuz the Black people are not that slow and really don’t play that crap. Still sell drugs still cooning, Lets see where it goes from here……

  10. FOLK103
    #10 FOLK103 7 August, 2014, 17:53

    he looks like a half breed and he look more white than black if u look on other pics

  11. Aamil Aaqil-Darnell Afham
    #11 Aamil Aaqil-Darnell Afham 7 August, 2014, 17:53

    In fact, that Tulsa burning was supposed to be started over a White Girl and Black Man relationship. Interesting…..

    #12 PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 17:56

    just proves the point that this epidemic of sub-humans posing as real people can come in any skin tone… being white [but as far as i can tell, still human] i’d like to see more of these stories here just for balance… i get why Tommy targets the elements of the Black community who are doing doing shit like this… but i think it’s just as important to include these stories if only just to silence the fools saying he is a race traitor… these sub-humans don’t belong to any race… it’s up to us humans to call them all out as the animals they are.

  13. commonman80
    #13 commonman80 7 August, 2014, 17:58

    The Black “I don’t need a no man” Women who raised kids in The Mammy Oprah Generation are all messed up. It seems an entire generation of Black Males have been emasculated. It also seems The weaker the Black Males get?

    The more embolden the White Males get. These white guys KNOW that today’s Young Black Male were taught by their mothers to fear White Males, and KILL THEIR OWN because of the self hatred that was taught to them by their “I don’t need no man” Oprah Generation Mothers.

    So today’s young Black Males are plumped and ready for the slaughter, and that’s exactly what’s happening…

    • lordssaints
      lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 19:47

      I FOR ONE WAS NOT RAISED TO BE LIKE THAT. and i dont know how u can say that but i know for a fact white men fear black men more because they know they dont care about going to jail or anything for that matter. they would hit you in the head hella fast. i have never ever ever seen where a group of whites thought they were tougher then a group of black males. most white men are frighten of black men. fact. the problem with the black man is that the women are to soft on them when they r little and when they grown. i have so many black friends that openly cheat on their women and they just accepted. so the men rip the ass out of it to the point were they r today. think about it what races of man can openly cheat, get other women childed up all while staying with the same women. now for some reason it does not work with me. most women i have ever been with black, white and Spanish have told me they will hurt me if i cheat and i believe them. lol> and the same black chicks would be the side women to some married black dude before me. can any of you black girls answer that for me. i have talk to a few black chicks about it and they say the sex aint that great so why would you put up with that behavior. all i know is that there is something in me that i have to be home in the mourning when my kids wake up. i couldnt run around and have multiply kids with different women would kill me inside. now i said kids i have no problem getting busy but i will be rain guarded. i think black males that grow up with out a father plays a very big roll in it as well. but then again no> i have a black friend that come from middle class and his parents have been married like 50 years and i really feel that my boy cant for the life of him be with one woman. i dont know why?

        PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:53

        that’s a lot of generalizing you are doing there about black and white people so to quote the late great Bernie Mack “i ain’t scared of you motherfuckers”

        although i just noticed you did write “most” so maybe that doesn’t apply to me… still [and all jokes aside] the generalizations is something we need to avoid

        • lordssaints
          lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 20:04


          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 20:09

            it was a joke based on the fact you said “most white people are scared of blacks” i’m white and it’s not the skin tone i am scared of it’s the actions… it was meant to be funny… and yeah i know you don’t mean all i made that clear too… i thought i was being obvious??? guess it either wasn’t funny or wasn’t clear… i just love bernie mack

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 20:10

            but seriously what’s with the ALL CAPS TYPING??? WE CAN HEAR YOU FINE!!! stop shouting

  14. Jason C. Johnson
    #14 Jason C. Johnson 7 August, 2014, 17:58

    But racism doesn’t exist they say…….. People need to wake up and pay attention. Where is Sharpton and Jackson?? No where to be found….

    • Jason C. Johnson
      Jason C. Johnson 7 August, 2014, 17:59

      Who is MARCHING or even making a fuss for him besides Tommy?? Nobody smh

      • Jason C. Johnson
        Jason C. Johnson 7 August, 2014, 18:08

        He deserves justice. At the same token Tommy’s perspective on the matter makes a lot of sense. What happened for this man to be killed?

        • lordssaints
          lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 19:20


          • BadNews!
            BadNews! 8 August, 2014, 01:17

            You are a coward why bring a gun to a fist fight… Idiots these days!

          • SeanBusmc .
            SeanBusmc . 8 August, 2014, 14:25

            Im a US Marine and I would bring a gun to a fist fight. Im not going to take that chance. You are a fool

          • BadNews!
            BadNews! 20 August, 2014, 23:27


          • SeanBusmc .
            SeanBusmc . 21 August, 2014, 09:21

            Fists wielded by the right person are deadly weapons. Remember that you called a US Marine a coward when you become a statistic.

          • BadNews!
            BadNews! 22 August, 2014, 23:34

            all of you are nothing but a bunch of scared pissy ass soldier.

      • QRJ
        QRJ 8 August, 2014, 00:35

        I rarely look at Tommy’s videos, but most of time, when I do look at them, he gets something wrong about the story. The boy was not black, he was white. His entire family is white. It seems as though the dad just did not want his daughter with him. Please go look up the story somewhere else. Tommy is not a reliable source for news.

    • commonman80
      commonman80 7 August, 2014, 18:08

      Why is sharpton and Jackson needed? They can’t preach, Pray, and March life, back into any body. That’s the problem. The Negro has been conditioned to think that every time something like this happens your so called “Black Leaders” are supposed to come in and Preach Pray and March.

      As if that will solve the problem. Then a week later? Or sometimes less than a week later, It happens ALL OVER AGAIN…


  15. BenRaider
    #15 BenRaider 7 August, 2014, 18:03

    i thought you said mixed people wasnt black tommy. and this kid dont look black at all probably one of his parents are mixed how do you know he got killed because he was ”black” cant find anything about that when you google the story

  16. blue journal
    #16 blue journal 7 August, 2014, 18:08

    Number of reasons we are mistreated. We don’t have respect for one another. So, why would other races? No economic power we control. Killing each other everyday. And on and on.

    • commonman80
      commonman80 7 August, 2014, 18:23

      Yo (blue journal) DO NOT SAY “We” don’t have no respect for one another. Because by saying that i’m assuming you mean All African Americans. Because if that’s what you’re Implying? You couldn’t be MORE WRONG…

      I love my people. I respect my people. However, because My people find it easier to sell their souls FOR BASICALLY NOTHING? A lot of My people have lost the ability to return that love and respect. Opting instead to Interpret the love and respect of a Black Man like me, AS BEING STUPID..

      OR A FOOL, And when you call them out on their CRAP? What do they do? Try and hurt me. Then, when they find they “CAN’T TOUCH THIS”? They run to The White Man.. LIKE CHILDREN, AND STILL LOOSE…

      • blue journal
        blue journal 7 August, 2014, 19:37

        We don’t respect one another. I don’t call them out because, I love my life. I’m not wasting my time arguing with people. End up getting into a fight trying to educate some clown. If they can’t wake up and see what’s going on. Well, not my problem. I avoid most black people, black events, and communities like the plague.

    #17 PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 18:15

    seems hard to say for certain what really happened here [unless the daughter spills the beans and lets more details out] but i am gonna go out on a limb and say that this man was murdered for pretty much the reasons Tommy stated… it’s no stretch of the imagination to assume that a cop would do this… we have seen far worse… am also sure that them turning themselves in, is part of some sick plan to mount a legal defense of these inexcusable actions… i guess they figure [probably rightly so] that the law will protect them in some way [or at least reduce the sentence]… personally i hope the get a tougher sentence for their abuse of power… cops who murder should get tougher sentences than civilians and if you add in the fact that this is most likely a hate crime too i hope they get EVERYTHING they deserve…

  18. Antonio Ladson
    #18 Antonio Ladson 7 August, 2014, 18:21

    The only thing white people respect is money, and power, black folks have neither. A purge is coming, and all you damn ass kissing coons, uncle ruckus, bedwenchs ,homo thugs better get black first!!! Or get purged!!!

      PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 18:59

      i’m white and those are not the things i base my respect on… try, decency, logic, hart, morals… for me personally those are the things i value… otherwise i would not be here

      you have NONE of those qualities… so you can go fuck yourself you ignorant cunt

  19. nostraquarius
    #19 nostraquarius 7 August, 2014, 18:27

    I feel sorry for everyone involved. As a parent I think you have to analyze yourself, and recognize when you have reached your limit. At that point let them go f*ck up their own life, and take them out of your will.

    • commonman80
      commonman80 7 August, 2014, 18:40

      I always say, If it gets to a point where as a parent has to THROW (((THEIR))) CHILD INTO THE STREET? It’s (((NOT))) the child’s fault… It’s The “Parent’s” Fault… This Case is PROOF POSITIVE that the parents WERE SCREWED UP… A Grown Man killing a Teenager OVER AN ARGUMENT Proves it. Abused Kids who grow up in an abusive environment DO NOT KNOW THAT THEY ARE BEING ABUSED… How could they if that’s all they know from Childhood?

      • nostraquarius
        nostraquarius 7 August, 2014, 20:07

        I do not agree that a person, parent or otherwise, has power to dictate the decisions of another. I do believe that there are bad kids. I don’t believe that love offers any greater depravity than is offered to strangers. I do not believe that a parents job is sacrifice their life for children. I do believe a parents job is to lead by example, and if kids fall behind do as momma grizzlies do.

        I actually struggle to disagree with your position, but the aforementioned is where my heart is. Unfortunately I’ve been sued twice for child support.

        Good luck on your adventures in parenting…

    • lordssaints
      lordssaints 8 August, 2014, 05:11

      dam straight. when they get grown and they want to fuck up cool. they well be doing that on there

  20. Bahu-yuddha
    #20 Bahu-yuddha 7 August, 2014, 18:36

    There’s got to be more to this story. First, Jeremy Lake sounds a little suspicious trawling a homeless shelter for girls when he’s got a home. Maybe he was down there serving hot meals or helping people fill out job applications, I don’t know. And I don’t know what was said for Kepler to just start blasting on folks.
    Kepler was probably way in the wrong. But this story has too many holes in it.

    • commonman80
      commonman80 7 August, 2014, 18:53

      Trawling? I Doubt it. It may have been the girl doing the “Trawling”… She was the one in the shelter… Be that as it may. They were both Young. Kids that age meet all kinds of ways, and she is very pretty. So she probably used what her REAL PARENTS Gave her to get out of the shelter…

        PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 18:57

        i agree Trawling is a very cynical thing to say…

      • Bahu-yuddha
        Bahu-yuddha 8 August, 2014, 05:31

        That may be true.

        In case Anthony Thomas’ reply doesn’t clear moderation: I didn’t check other sources before replying. I went with the video and the article above. And your own source says:

        “Sandra Lewis, executive director of the Day Center, said Lake had NEVER been a volunteer or employee with — nor a client of — the center.”

        It also says:

        “Lake’s Facebook page indicates that he was a student at a Tulsa alternative high school, but, according to the Tulsa Public Schools public information office, he was never enrolled there.

        District records show that he was a Tulsa Public Schools student for a 10-day period several years ago while he was staying at Shadow Mountain, where Tulsa teachers provide educational services to patients, said Janice Jones, a TPS spokeswoman.

        Shadow Mountain offers behavioral health-care services for children and adolescents in crisis, including treatment for mental-health issues, according to its website.”
        So unless the man was in private school or homeschooling, he’s just kind of been hanging out for the last 7 or so years. And either he, or TPS is lying as to his schooling.
        When sources become known to me, I read them in detail.

        • commonman80
          commonman80 8 August, 2014, 09:02

          If you do further research, You will find that The Girl has been In and Out of Youth Correctional Facilities also. They may have met prior to her being in the homeless shelter in another Youth Correctional Facility.

          However, None of that is Important. The Point is THE FEMALE WAS 18 YEARS OLD… The Father and Mother HAD NO LEGAL RIGHT TO TELL HER TO DO ANYTHING…


    #21 PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 18:40

    racist or not this i feel sure that this was premeditated… he drove to the guys house armed to get his possession [his daughter] back … i know he’s a cop, but he was not on duty at the time, so who in their right mind goes to sort out a family problem armed??? they went there to assert their control… when that failed he opened fire [at both of them btw] so much for fatherly love…

    • commonman80
      commonman80 7 August, 2014, 18:43

      The Girl is 18 years old. Legally? HE HAD NO MORE PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THE GIRL…

    • lordssaints
      lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 19:53


  22. Ballerina Tina
    #22 Ballerina Tina 7 August, 2014, 18:45

    Tommy they rode down on him while he was walking. So who is wrong? Come on now Tommy! Its too fucked up. Their issue was with their daughter. They had problems with her way before they met. This young man would’ve been slammed if he had a gun.

      PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 18:55

      you make a good point

    • commonman80
      commonman80 7 August, 2014, 18:57

      The Parents were probably mad because she wasn’t where they left her. In the “parents” eyes? She defied them again. as far as they were concerned… Besides the fact, SHE IS 18 YEARS OLD!!! THEY HAD NO LEGAL RIGHT TO “RODE DOWN” ON HIM OR HER…

  23. Darrinne D Glispie
    #23 Darrinne D Glispie 7 August, 2014, 19:01

    Son of a bitch (tommy voice) Cop killing an unarmed black male strikes again and this is a sad story too

  24. OaklandOxymoron
    #24 OaklandOxymoron 7 August, 2014, 19:17

    There’s something in this video that a lot of people are gonna miss You spoke on how black men will threaten, insult, talk about, stalk other black men with a vengeance but not go after other people. I tested this idea yesterday on YouTube. Got cursed out, called all kinds of names, threatened, simply because I commented on what I assume to be his favorite rapper, Idk. Point is, that emotional reaction to the smallest shit is what will be the cause of men doing dumb shit, ending up in jail or prison. And that attitude and behavior is accepted and valued. People seem to love it so they reinforced it.

    #25 PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:42

    there is a much better crowd here than there usually is on the youtube comments section… so glad i joined in here instead… hello to all you people making logical statements and engaging in healthy debate… still a few haters here but so what… as long as we decent folk discuss these issues all hope is not lost yet… the Sotomayor experience is going from strength to strength… and i for one am loving it… there is a real chance for us to do something good here for a change, let’s prove them wrong and put all sub-humans in their place…

  26. jason42175
    #26 jason42175 7 August, 2014, 19:44

    Hopefully their also charge with a hate crime, but my guess is that, may not even happen, the husband will get 10-20 years and the wife will get 3-5 hell they will even get less or get off like zimmerman if the father said that he was being threaten, by an unarm kid, and they may go even as far as testing the kid for pot but not the shooter.

      PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 19:46

      that all depends on how well the sotonation is in spreading the word here… like i said elsewhere we have a real chance to do something good here people… the more this story is shared and discussed the bigger the public outrage and hopefully their sentences will be… share share share [and then share some more]

    • lordssaints
      lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 20:22

      trey put his hand on Zimmerman way different.

  27. 333omega
    #27 333omega 7 August, 2014, 19:50

    Anyone else notice how much love they were giving the parents (the money they spent, how long they were married, etc), BEFORE they talked about what the father actually did? Ask yourselves: do Black men get this same consideration?

    People need to open their eyes.

    #28 PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 20:17

    man this thread is busy… every time i think i’m out… you pull me back in

  29. Tisha Woodley
    #29 Tisha Woodley 7 August, 2014, 20:17

    That’s the Adams Klan Family resurrected!!

      PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 20:22

      that would be funny if the dead kid was seeing morticia instead of a

        PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 20:22

        sadly for him he’s not

      • Tisha Woodley
        Tisha Woodley 7 August, 2014, 21:32

        I was not saying it to be funny. Adams family was always creepy to me never found them funny at all…

        • PRODIGAL SUN
          PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 21:52

          glad you were not joking… seemed a little in poor taste… sorry if i judged you wrong

          • Tisha Woodley
            Tisha Woodley 7 August, 2014, 22:19

            That was just a misunderstanding. And for the record, you are not sorry. You meant that you apologize, because a person that didn’t care would not had responding back with your comment. I was not talking about the victim, I was commenting on the racist couple…

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 22:27

            what’s the distinction between me being sorry and me apologizing??? to me they mean the same thing… i do care if i misjudged someone [hence the sorry] and i know you were commenting on the cops… i thought you were joking because it seemed like you were… am confused by your last message, not trying to be a dick

          • Tisha Woodley
            Tisha Woodley 7 August, 2014, 23:11

            I don’t understand you when I said it plain and clear that we had a misunderstanding. So now you’re confused, ok, sometimes when someone say I’m sorry, they are calling themselves sorry. So the better way of expressing being sorry is by apologies…

  30. Jonas
    #30 Jonas 7 August, 2014, 20:51

    I saw the story on some other youtube channels and the daughter stated that the boyfriend don’t argue with her father but introduce himself to her father and then the father shot him and drove off .

      PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 20:58

      i suspected as much… this was clearly premeditated… any chance you can link to that article/video

  31. Neal DoubleAA
    #31 Neal DoubleAA 7 August, 2014, 21:12

    Standard police work nothing new or interesting to see here.

  32. Mac-HD41
    #32 Mac-HD41 7 August, 2014, 21:14

    First of all this couple is crazy, how u gonna adopt a child who happen to bi racial or latino, kick her out of the home, go find her ass, see she with her boyfriend (he’s black) then shoots & kill the young man becuz of an argument over hm dating the mans daughter?? Plus the “father” shoots & attempt to kill the daughter too, WTF MAN!!!! Tommy I agree when us as blacks get loud & wanna talk shit but nobody has to die for shit talking!! The man was not physically attacked in any way, he killed an innocent man plus who knows even if dude didn’t say shit he still cudda got killed, muthafuckas are crazy now days no matter who they are!

  33. Akeem Lawanson
    #33 Akeem Lawanson 7 August, 2014, 21:20

    I completely understand Tommy’s points, but the boyfriend isn’t black. I dug a bit to find out more about the story, and from what I’ve seen in other pictures the boyfriend looks white. Granted, that one picture in the news story does look like a black fellow, if you google the story and check out other articles it’s clear as day he’s a white kid. just wanted to point that out/

    • lordssaints
      lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 21:24

      well that a game changer. thanks for digging

        PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 21:42

        does it really make a difference what colour the dude is? this is still fucked up even if you take the race element out… anyway the general opinion on here is that he was black so maybe the cop saw it the same way?

        • lordssaints
          lordssaints 7 August, 2014, 22:31

          does not make a difference to me but i am sure for others it will

        • painkiller
          painkiller 7 August, 2014, 22:38

          Yes it does make a difference because the whole video was a rant about the kid being shot simply for being black

  34. JM Aubrey
    #34 JM Aubrey 7 August, 2014, 21:36

    Hey Tommy,
    This is so sad and it really angers me because I have spent my entire life promoting better race relations. All it takes is one mother fucker to send us back 100 years. Black People, we are not all like this!!!!

      PRODIGAL SUN 7 August, 2014, 21:43

      real people of all creeds are not “like this” these are monsters pretending to be human…

    #35 TREBOR SMAILLIW 7 August, 2014, 22:01

    The killer on Renisha McBride, the woman who was shot on the porch in Detroit Michigan, the killer has been found guilty by a jury of his peers

  36. Crescendyr
    #36 Crescendyr 7 August, 2014, 22:02

    There is nothing in the story that states they killed him because he was a black man dating a white woman. The daughter herself looks non-white.

    #37 TREBOR SMAILLIW 7 August, 2014, 22:20

    The killer of Renisha McBride was found guilty by a jury of his peers in Detroit.

  38. Brit Brit
    #38 Brit Brit 7 August, 2014, 22:21

    Is there a reason why you used the picture of Jeremey where his complexion looks darkest? Some other pics on his fb he could pass for caucasian

  39. Jayden Matthew
    #39 Jayden Matthew 7 August, 2014, 22:29

    um… the boyfriend was not black lol

  40. Calvin Lee Carpenter
    #40 Calvin Lee Carpenter 7 August, 2014, 22:40

    This is why i don’t trust cops and crazy ass people with a loose mouth. conceal and carry all the way. KILLING YOUNG BLACK TEENS AND THIS GUY AND THIS LADY WILL GET THERE’S.

  41. Janja
    #41 Janja 7 August, 2014, 23:00

    That ignorant ass couple adopted a mixed race child, confusing her and then gonna kill the first person she could relate to who happens to be Black and takes her in. This is so tragic…very, very sad. I love your passion Tommy!!!

  42. as d wrl turns
    #42 as d wrl turns 8 August, 2014, 00:55

    Wild wild west get ur guns up my jiggas, huffing and puffin aint nor did shit to no one

  43. as d wrl turns
    #43 as d wrl turns 8 August, 2014, 00:55

    Wild wild west get ur guns up my jiggas, huffing and puffin aint nor did shit to no one

  44. Jay
    #44 Jay 8 August, 2014, 02:57

    Crackaz have been hatin on blacks for ever and wanna tell other people how to run their country fukin biggots…

      PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 06:18

      ain’t telling you shit about how to run the country you were born in and trapped in… i’m trying to tell y’all there is another way… [guessing i’m the cracker right???] ask the decent black folk here if they think i hate them… your opinion doesn’t matter to me… you ain’t decent peoples

  45. Egg
    #45 Egg 8 August, 2014, 06:08

    Tommy, what would you say or do if a White person tells you to turn your music down now?

      PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 06:20

      what a stupid question…

      • Egg
        Egg 8 August, 2014, 07:32

        How so?

        • PRODIGAL SUN
          PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 08:24

          in every way possible… but mostly because it bears no relevance to anything…

          • Egg
            Egg 8 August, 2014, 12:55

            As I thought, zero explanation. My question is well withing the topic and the comments that Tommy made and Tommy can answer the question if he wants. You take it easy.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 13:00

            i answered you… i don’t see the relevance… what difference would it make what tommy would do… and what do you expect him to say??? what answer would make you happy? i still don’t understand why you would ask this… or what relevance this has to the topic at hand… but your right he can answer himself… seeing as he hasn’t what do you think that means?

          • Egg
            Egg 8 August, 2014, 13:03

            You not seeing the relevance isn’t answering how the question is stupid, especially since the question wasn’t presented to you originally.

            Answer would answer how Tommy would handle such a situation and is within context of the video.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 13:04

            wow your simple it’s stupid BECAUSE it is irrelevant… probably why he never answered

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 13:05

            also you do realize this is a public forum… discussion is what happens here

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 13:06

            now come back when you have hatched… what kind of an egg are you by the way???

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 13:13

            i noticed you have no good answers now do you???

          • Egg
            Egg 8 August, 2014, 13:19

            The Egg before the Chicken.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 13:46

            so your an unhatched chicken???

          • Egg
            Egg 8 August, 2014, 13:19

            1.Every question isn’t answered and I’m fine with that, people have lives and may not see every second of every minute on online, 2. The questions is relevant to how the scenario that was presented in the video. You claiming the question isn’t relevant doesn’t make it so.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 13:44

            you keep saying it is relevant but don’t explain how when nothing even remotely about loud music is in this video… you accuse me of not answering your question but i have answered at great length… it’s not me claiming this is irrelevant that makes it irrelevant it’s the fact that it has no bearing on what is being discussed here… please explain how it is relevant in a discussion that has nothing to do with loud music? you can’t so sit down

          • Egg
            Egg 8 August, 2014, 14:06

            It’s about someone coming up towards you telling you to do something, and how to respond. The video brought up scenario random white men address Black men, so I asked a more detailed question.

            You’re too focused on the music.

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 14:10

            smh… i’m too focused on the only thing you mention in your question… ok of course how silly of me… yeah my fault!!! moron

          • PRODIGAL SUN
            PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 14:12

            i shouldn’t have listened to so much sister sledge when i was younger i guess… my bad… smh smh sm[damn]h

  46. frannycat
    #46 frannycat 8 August, 2014, 06:37

    I spent the last hour reading this discussion, this by far was the best “comment” section ever. You people are so varied but debate so intelligently. Sotonation IS a good thing!

  47. Handy Manny
    #47 Handy Manny 8 August, 2014, 06:51

    Damn sent her to a homeless shelter to get a dose of street life and she ended up getting a dose of black dick.

  48. LaydeeL86
    #48 LaydeeL86 8 August, 2014, 09:34

    What the white couple did was very callous. In my eyes, love has no color.

  49. Lazarus Mc Cormick
    #49 Lazarus Mc Cormick 8 August, 2014, 10:35

    yes. i was gonna say the same thing. the daughter looks half white so idk if it was racism. maybe something else happened. yea BLACK PPL SWEAR THEY CAN CONQUER THE WORLD AND CANT EVEN CONQUER THEIR OWN PERSONAL ISSUES OR ESCAPE OPPRESSION

  50. Elijah Robinson
    #50 Elijah Robinson 8 August, 2014, 11:21

    White people take their honor seriously. Where do you think duels and dawn and shit came from? I have an adopted daughter as well. If some guy comes up to me and says something along the lines of,”I’m fucking yo daughter”, I’m gonna kill his ass. At the same time, if someone guns his son down in the street, I’ll kill their asses too. People need to start treating people how they want to be treated. It’s as simple as that.

  51. bushmaster1q09 .
    #51 bushmaster1q09 . 8 August, 2014, 12:24

    If there is any justice in this country, the 2 bigots will be giving up their life for Mr. Lake’s life

  52. cstack
    #52 cstack 8 August, 2014, 12:32

    The shame here is that the parents actually thought they’d get away with it . while they are in jail what will become of those girls

  53. Joel_GruBER
    #53 Joel_GruBER 8 August, 2014, 13:02

    Tommy for president of blackness!

  54. Brian J
    #54 Brian J 8 August, 2014, 13:23

    Tommy I disagree on one thing, we aren’t getting shot down l like dogs because they’ll put you in jail for shooting a dog, but shooting niggas well…. like that one guy said what’s the big deal?

  55. C Collins
    #55 C Collins 8 August, 2014, 13:56

    wow Tommy, you really go to places where most Blacks avoid, Chicago, Detroit ect. and you go in times of trouble it kinda reminds me just a little bit of Vernon Johns and how he addressed issues that were taboo and then after he was run off by his own people along comes Dr. King. I just hope you get the credit you deserve for what you do.

  56. SeanBusmc .
    #56 SeanBusmc . 8 August, 2014, 14:19

    Of course racist and racism exist, all over the world, who told you it didnt? Racism is natural, get over it, we are all racist to a certain degree.

  57. SeanBusmc .
    #57 SeanBusmc . 8 August, 2014, 14:21

    Theres more to this story than you are being told, I dont believe that 18 year old for one second

  58. Deangelo King
    #58 Deangelo King 8 August, 2014, 15:11

    The kid was half black or some variation of black for those that say he wasn’t black at all. Some of his pictures show his skin as light brown, depends on which ones you look at. And racism is always alive, we humans have nothing better to do with our time so why not? And what the f*** is a “Hotep” n****? Stupidity seems to confound quite a bit of our race. I’m done just talking though, so I’m going to step out and find a way to win. Check out Dr. Claude Anderson on YouTube if you can make time. He is a brilliant person who believes in the enrichment and enlightenment of black people.

  59. Johnny Merciless
    #59 Johnny Merciless 8 August, 2014, 16:20

    Go to Lisa Kepler’s FB page and you’ll see that some of her friends have Rebel flags as part of their FB pic. Her dad’s page (Shannon James Kepler) has pics of Dirty Harry. He couldn’t wait to pull that tri99er on a ni99er. He’s going DOWN…

  60. cuzzywolf
    #60 cuzzywolf 8 August, 2014, 16:59

    looks like the guy from the fox and the hound

  61. db
    #61 db 8 August, 2014, 17:42

    Mr. Sotomayor;
    You asked “how many arrests have they effected that were bogus”. Good point. Every case that they or any other criminal cop has ever been involved with should be re-tried with a new jury and without the psycho pig’s “evidence”, since it’s probably fake.

    One more thing. I don’t think that this is race related. Pigs kill people of every color. Jeremey sounds like a good enough kid, no worse than me at his age. He chose a girlfriend with mental problems and her parents thought they were entitled to kill. Sad for him. Sad for his family and friends too.

    BTW: did you read that Porky and Petunia are on “paid Administrative Leave” and that the “Officer” also shot at but missed Jeremey’s brother, who was at the house and not a convenient 3 feet away? The fact that this crap heap cop was TEACHING at the Police “Academy” is just sickening. No wonder they act like they do; look what trains them.

  62. Guest
    #62 Guest 8 August, 2014, 18:15

    Is that a black pig stomping a white protester?
    That’s not a race or hate crime Mr. Sotomayor.
    That’s the rich and their stormtroopers against the rest of us.

  63. Mr Vasshier
    #63 Mr Vasshier 8 August, 2014, 18:52

    they are take charge kind of people

  64. Mr Vasshier
    #64 Mr Vasshier 8 August, 2014, 18:55

    they are take charge kind of people.

  65. Ray Brann
    #65 Ray Brann 9 August, 2014, 00:10

    I comment on a lot of Tommy’s vids & many of you may know (I never hid it) that I am white . Now having said that I will say this “Where a life is taken , a life is owed” , those POS white ppl up against a wall , & tell the firing squad they’re on in 5 . Hells Bells I’ll spring for the F’n bullets !

  66. Kelli Wallen
    #66 Kelli Wallen 9 August, 2014, 00:42

    The dad was jealous. He knew his daughter was getting a better life than him and his pig of a wife could give her. (They put her in a homeless shelter) The girl had someone who cared about her and was helping her. Daddy found out, and murder him. Jealousy.

  67. Carla
    #67 Carla 9 August, 2014, 00:49

    Tommy it won’t be as you say “If you talked about my daughter ” ‘I’d probably’ have a problem….. ” NO SIR you won’t “probably” have you WILL have…… that’s your child no matter what age. You will be there and you WILL be mad. I’m 47 physically disabled, mom is 72 she is still there to defend me, and dad would be too if he were still alive.
    You remind me of my dad…… you wouldn’t waste words you’d take action.

    Blessed be sir.

  68. Øvan
    #68 Øvan 9 August, 2014, 08:53

    It’s a shame. This world still stuck on race. We live in the United States of America. The land where all races are welcomed and should be treated equally. Funny thing is. The boy will be in the heavens while they down in hell.

  69. North Whackadelphia PA
    #69 North Whackadelphia PA 9 August, 2014, 16:58

    I feel on what he was saying on 13:20

  70. キキ
    #70 キキ 9 August, 2014, 18:04

    The guy in the video is the wrong guy lol

  71. Madara Uchiha
    #71 Madara Uchiha 10 August, 2014, 14:50

    The girl looks mixed herself. I dont see why the foster parents did it..

  72. bert fromarketin
    #72 bert fromarketin 11 August, 2014, 16:43


  73. custard ganet
    #73 custard ganet 12 August, 2014, 20:16

    cant say i blame them,he was pure thug.

  74. T. Bridges
    #74 T. Bridges 15 August, 2014, 20:44

    I’m Waiting for all the “white guilt” sufferers to emerge and tell us how this “isn’t racism”, or better yet how this is somehow “racist against white people.”

  75. minstrel mane
    #75 minstrel mane 16 August, 2014, 01:37

    niggas should know that dating a white girl is putting you in the line of fire. Dont get fooled by all these white liberals telling u they love black people, the hate whites have for blacks is genetic they cant help it. This happens all the time.

  76. Courtney Hunter
    #76 Courtney Hunter 21 August, 2014, 11:24

    I just wanted to say that I live in Oklahoma, and looking at your video about this is the first that I have ever heard about this story. This is not right, and I thank you for speaking on this. It’s a shame how stories like these happen and we never hear about them. It’s also a shame that we can’t or refuse to come together and put a stop to this stupidity. Again thank you for the video.

  77. plc1970fly .
    #77 plc1970fly . 13 September, 2014, 00:35

    nothing wrong with interracial dating.. I mean look at these people they are white trash, equivalent to black hoodlums. I pray they do heavy time for killing a young man because of him dating their daughter and because he was of another race. this sickens us as much as when black hoodlum kill white trash or white people. because not everyone is bad..

  78. Tamika
    #78 Tamika 18 September, 2014, 19:25

    Tjcan talking intelligent when it comes to white people, but very ignorant when It come two black people. very sad all black people are not ignorant some of us are very good mothers.I think you have forgotten that your mother is black. when you talking about about black women why do you have to use the phrase we not good mothers or we whores bitch.

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