Tag "white"

White Georiga Principal Makes Statement About Blacks During Graduation Then Gets Fired, But Was It Racist? (Video)

Maybe She’s Just Observant?By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Principal fired after backlash over racial remarks influenced by ‘the devil’ This article is more than 9 years old but it still has black people pissed off today! A high school principal in Georgia

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Nigerian Korra Obidi’s White Ex Husband Wins Order To Keep Kids Off Line! She Cries Foul & Swirlers Unite! (Live Broadcast)

Its An Epidemic!!!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Korra Obidi turns to crowdfunding for legal battle over parental rights 10th May 2024 By Makua Ubanagu Popular dancer and entertainer, Korra Obidi, has announced her intention to pursue legal action to assert her parental rights,

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White Ex Accuses Korra Obidi Of Cheating & She Admits To It But Claims He Used To Beat Her!

Cheating, Its What They Do!!!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor It was he say she say but I could have told you white boy what black women do and that is cheat! Period! No black woman that you are with belongs to you,

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OK Twitter Whites, You Got Something To Say To Me Then Say It Now! 5-5-24 (Twitch Show Replay)

They Mad So Lets See Why!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor… This content is for All Everything, All Everything Monthly, Website & OF Telegram Page!, and Twitch Live & Replays members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...

This content is for All Everything, All Everything Monthly, Website & OF Telegram Page!, and Twitch Live & Replays members only.
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Dear Black Women, If You Have To Go Through This Much To Look Beautiful Doesn’t That Mean You’re Not? (Video)

Your Insecurity Is On Full Display, AGAIN!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor The woman in the video below went as far as to have a hairline transplant! Hello People, I am sorry but I have to point out the obvious here which is,

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