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Black Mother Calls Her Daughter A B*tch On National TV & Says She Deserved It! Do You Agree? (Video)

Black Mother Calls Her Daughter A B*tch On National TV & Says She Deserved It! Do You Agree? (Video)

by December 1, 2023 1 comment

By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor

Why is it that when black women openly abuse their children, no one ever comes out and calls it what it is…. ABUSE?

A black mom went on a national TV show to explain to the host why she thinks her daughter is a bitch… She was bold with it and believed every word that she said, but do you agree?

This behavior has become so common that no one ever calls it out or even thinks to say that maybe its wrong. So what you end up with are abused children who then believe that this is the correct way to parent their children!

No black people are shocked at this type of behavior of a mother yet if a father spoke to their child like this the world would explode.. hell if a black boyfriend spoke to his girlfriend like this we would be upset… hell they were upset at me when I spoke like this about a random woman who hit my car!

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  1. Balanced
    #1 Balanced 2 December, 2023, 22:27

    I am 72 years old my mother and father did not curse. Back in the 50s 60s parents didn’t talk to their kids like that. During that time period we were closer to God. I never talked to my 2 sons like that either in the 80s or 90s because I was not raised like that

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