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So Will We Ever Call Out The Real “Coons” In The Black Community?  Tommy Sotomayor Will! (Video)

So Will We Ever Call Out The Real “Coons” In The Black Community? Tommy Sotomayor Will! (Video)

by April 28, 2014 10 comments

Coon Huh?

By:  Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor

I am really pissed right now so you guys may have to bear with me.  I put up a video on Donald Sterling and the people who responded that didnt agree with my opinion called me a sellout, uncle tom, coon, buck dancer and all types of other stupid words just because they didnt agree with my opinion.

Now I didnt get it but this coon one has been the most popular over the past few years so I looked it up to see exactly what it means:

Urban Says that a coon is

Urban Dictionary: coon

Urban Dictionary

A coon is a black actor or actress, who takes roles that stereotypically portrays black people. They think theyve made it but they are slaves to the same images.

So let me get this straight, they took that word that is obviously not what most people are using it as and expanded it so large to now it includes anyone who agree with what a white person says that you dont like?

Sounds just like what they did with the term gay.   Now I got people all over the internet saying that I am gay because of my hair stance, because i say stuff about black women that they dont like but they dont say that I am gay because I am actually with a man.   See how this works?

Black people ruin everything they come in contact with, thats why they havent rebuilt black wall street because the real coons are the people who are out destroying everything around them.  My website is one that you have to come to it, make a conscious decision to register and then spend time name calling me and anyone else who doesnt agree with your opinion of life!

If we cant have a normal dialogue then I would advise you to go back where you came from..

I will be blocking and deleting anyone who uses these phrazes on my website or anywhere that I have control over it!  If it gets bad enough, I will remove the facebook plug in all together from my website and make more and more of my articles pay per view.  I will even start to unlist my youtube videos because I am sick of you stalkers!  If you dont like me that much, why not avoid me?  I no longer want to be associated with this paranormal blacktivity!

10 Comments so far

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  1. milesmiller316
    #1 milesmiller316 28 April, 2014, 19:22

    “Uncle Tom’s Cabin had a tremendous impact. The character Uncle Tom is an African American who retains his integrity and refuses to betray his fellow slaves at the cost of his life. His firm Christian principles in the face of his brutal treatment made him a hero to whites. In contrast, his tormentor Simon Legree, the Northern slave-dealer turned plantation owner, enraged them with his cruelty. Stowe convinced readers that the institution of slavery itself was evil, because it supported people like Legree and enslaved people like Uncle Tom. Because of her work, thousands rallied to the anti-slavery cause”

    Knowledge in power, some of which none of these so-called black people who use the word Uncle Tom no nothing about.

  2. variste957
    #2 variste957 28 April, 2014, 22:28

    Tommy u my man 500 grand, but I got to disagree with ur stance in this issue. Mr Sterling is a racist thru and thru!!! click on the I put in so u can see the out of line shit this dude has said in public about us niggers. a couple times he’s made racist remarks in court!!! under oath!!! I mean come man, if u can curtail ur racism while ur in front judge and jury while under oath then there’s not much defense for this dude.

    now don’t get me wrong that hoe was indeed setting Sterling up for the okey-doke, but at the end of the day u gotta call a spade a spade. that muthaphucka is a racist and a prejudiced bigot. period next topic!!!

    I am with u with these dumb ass niggas and this coon bullshit. nigga just hear some shit and repeat it without knowing what the phuck they be talking bout. u know niggas don’t read so they have no idea that Uncle Tom was actually good considering the circumstances!!! it’s Sambo that’s the nigga u supposed to hate dumbasses. read a book niggas and stop repeating shit just cause it sounds “cool”

    • nostraquarius
      nostraquarius 28 April, 2014, 23:36

      How does identifying racist publicly help the black condition?

      I think it is more important to stop pointing out how others don’t like us until we start acting as if we like ourselves.

      Want to read a book? I recommend Atlas Shrugged. It is my FAVORITE book and very applicable to this topic and the world at large today. It was written in 1975 by a Russian (shout out Lana) immigrant WOMAN named Ayn Rand.

      You can get the entire audiobook or for you lazy people at least youtube John Gaults monologue. It is 45 minutes of pure logic that changed my life; but don’t spoil it if you plan to read the book.

  3. nostraquarius
    #3 nostraquarius 28 April, 2014, 23:18

    TJ, here at Sotonation we are not going to tell you to leave a bitch because we can’t give you what she is giving you. Sounds like you have the right idea though homie…

    I try to lobby the site with logic, but this one hits home so I need the complaint department…

    The military doesn’t make crazy people. It moves them from the democrat payroll to the republican payroll. They were crazy going into the military. The military tries to do us a favor and reform them, kill them, or ship them off for as long as possible.

    I do not think your grip is with the military. I think your grip is with niggas that were in the military. I wish you would not hype these guys as servicemen, or marginalize and discount the impact of the US military.

    Those who desire peace, prepare for war. Try building something great without a f*ck you up type mentality and see what happens…oh wait a minute

    • Tyrone Power
      Tyrone Power 4 May, 2014, 05:36

      He’s dead wrong on guys in the military. If you look at who does more damage or is stable. Rappers, thugs or ex-military. It’s that old troupe the world would be so nice and peaceful if it weren’t for America.

  4. Ray Brann
    #4 Ray Brann 27 August, 2014, 15:49

    The only thing I have to call you is Mr Sotomayor , or Tommy . I was raised that you show others the respect you expect them to show you .
    I’ll publicly say I’m white , & I have watched & enjoyed everything you’ve done ,
    I don’t believe in racism , skin color has nothing to do with a mans heart unless that’s what he allows to define him . We are all the same race , the Human Race .
    At the end of the day , we all bleed red, not black , not white , not yellow or anything else , & that’s what counts .

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