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Black Mom Beats Her Daughter Like  A Run-Away Slave Over A Facebook Post! (Video)

Black Mom Beats Her Daughter Like A Run-Away Slave Over A Facebook Post! (Video)

by April 21, 2014 6 comments

Is This Dicipline?

Is this what normally goes for discipline in the black community?

Trini Mom Beats Her Daughter Like A Runaway Slave by Tommy Sotomayor

I will be giving my opinion on this later but for now you can tell me how you feel about what you just saw!

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6 Comments so far

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  1. QWhere54321
    #1 QWhere54321 21 April, 2014, 17:24

    I think that different children have different personalities. Some children need this level of discipline, some don’t. As a parent it is your job to figure out what type of child you have. As a child, yelling/talking worked for me. My sister on the other hand talking went in one ear n out the other so she needed more physical approached. Neither of us are fucked up mentally, we’re both pretty straight n’ narrow. I’ve grown up with people that were whipped and should have been talked to instead, and I’ve grown up with people that were talked to and should’ve been whipped. My cousin was whipped but he had a personality that talking would’ve helped more, because with whippings he still ended up being a fuck up…and got himself killed. I have a female cousin that was talked to instead of whipped, and she is ratchet to the third power. What i will say though, is that no matter what form of discipline a parent uses it should NEVER…and i repeat, NEVER be posted online for the world to see. Thats humiliating to the child at that point.

  2. milesmiller316
    #2 milesmiller316 21 April, 2014, 18:55

    Wow,,that’s discipline the belt to the butt. That’s it, some know how, others do not. I believe it’s abuse when they use the hand and fist to beat the child. Also putting it on-line and it going viral is questionable, what’s the point. Kept it private.

  3. 333omega
    #3 333omega 21 April, 2014, 21:43

    There’s a fine line between discipline and beating. The mom was clearly venting her anger on the child, which is never good. Two or three smacks on the butt would have been more than sufficient. But now, all that girl is going to do is be more careful about whatever she was doing that got her in trouble. That’s the difference between having a mother and a father. My father would actually explain to me WHY what I was doing was wrong. He was firm with his punishments, but he never got crazy. My mother, however, had several times when she would beat our asses when she lost her temper.

    If this doesn’t explain why you need both parents, nothing will.

  4. frannycat1
    #4 frannycat1 22 April, 2014, 06:09

    Jesus, Sotobabe. Brings back my memories of an idyllic childhood. Same shit. I threw up in my throat. No wonder we’re all completely fucked up, sighhhh!

  5. Derrick
    #5 Derrick 22 April, 2014, 07:57

    My parents use to make me go and get a switch off the tree outside, when they did use a belt, they didn’t beat me like a run away slave and I never got a 6 minute beating like the one this child got.

  6. carterkerrie
    #6 carterkerrie 22 April, 2014, 12:46

    Wow 6 minutes of beating your daughter like this? Look I understand that not all children respond the same way to different forms of punishments i.e. talk or physical but damn 6 minutes. I have three brothers and growing up we drove are mother up the wall sometimes but she never ever went to this extreme of a 6 minute beating,my God! And then post this video online for the world to see is just completely over board. I have a daughter and I have only had to spank her once in her life and she is now 20 years old and studying to become a doctor.All I have ever done is explain to her why she was in trouble and it seemed to work with her.Now on the other hand my brother has two daughters one all he has to do is raise is voice and she is done but the other talking does not faze her at all only physical works with her. But in closing a 6 minute beating is way to much.Maybe two or three swaps to the bottom is okay.

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