Youtuber Richard Lionel “Tyrone” Thompson Is Currently Avoiding Horry SC Sheriffs Dept Over Case Involving Tommy Sotomayor! (Video & Audio)
by Tj Sotomayor May 5, 2014 11 commentsTyrone Running!
Question, If you are a military Vet who says they served their country honorably and fought for freedom, what would you do if the sheriff department of your community showed up at your door? Well a normal person with no history of doing nothing wrong would just answer the door right? Not Tyrone Thompson.
I am putting up this blog because it is time to let the world see what the stalker has done and is doing. He is lying saying that he is just in opposition of my message, he saying that I am trying to stop his free speech when this dude has pages with my name on it and now he lies about all of it. I repeat, I dont care if he makes videos against my videos. What the police is after him for has nothing to do with that, its him stalking me for over a year, dropping my info and allowing his co host to threaten me and my family every damn show!
Richard Lionel Thompson decided that almost 2 years ago that he was a fan of mine and my work. So much so that he became the person who inspired a youtube page called #TeamTommySotomayor Dont believe me, just check out the video that he did with his girlfriend in support of my right to free speech and why he backs what I do.
Now for some reason, after making this video, Mr Thompson decided that he no longer supports my message as he has every right to do. He then claims that he asked to have the video taken down because he no longer wants to be associated with me or my work which I too understand that and I would have removed it with no issue. Problem came that this dude instead of emailing me, was sending messages to a channel that I never checked because if I read messages on all of my channels I would never make videos.
When he never got a reply to me, he took this as a slap in the face so he went on a tirade showing my mug shots, talking about my family, talking about criminal history and everything under the sun to get back at me for not removing the video.
He did this for about 2 months before I even knew that he was doing it. By that time he had started to engage in sever stalking activities. He had a tutorial on youtube showing people how to go into the Georgia Department and get my criminal history as well as any address that I lived.
After doing this, he started posting my grandmothers address telling people thats where I lived as well as the names of 5 women and the names of the children that these women had claiming that they were my kids. My grandmother has been the victim of 2 attacks on her home since Tyrone posted this info and he has yet to apologize for it. This man also posted photos of my mom and daughter and has engaged in sick behavior like posting my daughter, her mom and my head on the bodies of individuals engaging in sexual acts. He claims he never did this but no one has went to the lengths that he has to mess with me so why would this not be him.
He has called for the death of me and my girlfriend through the people he has on his so called radio show.
After this, it was too much and my girlfriend who has never said one thing against the black community or black women. She has been subjected to having her name, phone number, address and everything released just because this dude doesnt like me. Yet his girlfriend has remained untouched. When my girls life was threatened on his show he has never asked the people to not do that nor has he asked the callers not to threaten my life and until this day he still fields calls asking for my murder over youtube videos.
My girlfriend, fearing for her life, contacted the police and now they are trying to serve Tyrone Thompson in South Carolina. He continues to avoid the sheriffs department of Horry County in an effort to avoid prosecution for what he has done but he keeps talking about it on his bs radio show claiming victory. He is always home and does a show where he talks about me for 7 nights a week on blog talk radio.
You will hear from the phone call below with Leslie Supervisior of the Horry County Sheriffs Department (843) 915-8557 in which she explains how Tyrone will not answer the door when they come to serve him.
So why is this upstanding citizen avoiding being served? He has been served by my process server before and he will be getting sued for using my image and copywritten name on T Shirts on his website. The man is so stupid and obsessed with me that he was actually selling shirts with my face and name on it thinking it was ok.
Then he went on to lie to the people on his show saying that he was being sued for posting my youtube videos which is a lie! He now claims the white man is helping me sue him but Im doing this because Im tired and I refuse to let another man build a life off of my back and slandering my name and putting my life along with my family at risk!
I wrote this blog for any one who is looking at this situation to know that I dont care how many videos he makes about me but he has crossed the line by talking about my girl, lying, having some guy on his radio show constantly threaten to beat me up, another one threaten my life and my girls life, another one who game out my address claiming he knows gangs in my area, giving out my girlfriends name, address and phone number, having another girl on his show that not only called my moms job but my moms church threanting me(genie burlesque) then having yet another girl on the show threatening my girlfriends life (elle) all of this stuff, OVER HIS DISLIKE OF MY YOUTUBE VIDEOS!
This sh*t has to stop and I am willing to go broke to make sure it doesnt happen to another youtuber. Youtube does nothing to these idiots who stalk people so that they can have something to do in their day.. I am not going to have it threaten my life, happiness nor that of the people that I love.
Its ok to disagree but what he is and has done along with his idiot cohorts is disgusting!
11 Comments so far
Jump into a conversationThis is what Tyrone deserves and hopefully he gets served and punished severly. Hopefully this will be an example to the other sick idiots that this is not funny nor a game. Putting out someone’s phone number and address should NEVER be condoned. You can disagree with someone all day long but once you start taking it to far punishment should be dished out.
Right on! Say it again…
I just can’t bring myself to play one of dude’s videos. That lady isn’t all that attractive, but I bet she has a big heart; all things proportional.
This is what Tyrone deserves and hopefully he gets served and punished severely. Hopefully this will be an example to the other sick idiots that this is not funny nor a game. Putting out someone’s phone number and address should NEVER be condoned. You can disagree with someone all day long but once you start taking it to far punishment should be dished out.
Wow this is a very bad move on Tyrone part of this.Eventually they will serve him and when he shows up to court in front of a judge it is not going to be a pretty site.But I would pay good money just to have a seat in that court room.
Hoooooraaaaayyy, I’ve been saying for sooooo long to get a warrant on him before he gets a nut case to hurt you or yours. Posts about an 8yr old, bullets, sicking sickos on your Mom, ex’s, Gramma for Christ sakes, is unacceptable. Calling people a doof or moron is one thing, I do it. But he was dangerous, thank God you listened 1st to yourself, 2nd, to your fans. I told you about a scary thing to me online. I can’t imagine how bad it was for you. Take care Sotobabe! Now I can go read this!
the clown I would like to see in shackles is that dumb ass nigga Bonepicker88. THAT NIGGA!!! I ain’t never heard an old man talk as much nonsense as that dude. if I may quote the great Charlie Murphy, “that nigga is a habitual line stepper!!!”. Lana seems like a cool ass chick!!! I’ve talked to her a couple times while calling the show. she nor any woman for that matter shouldn’t be bitch-respected like that!!! enough is enough and seems like the only thing that gets niggas minds right these days is when u call them people or guns coming out. time for them people get these clowns off the street before somebody gets hurt for real, for real!!!
After a while that don’t that turn into a warrant? Bench warrant maybe?
The man is clearly out of his mind. He’s obsessed with Tommy, to the point where he would risk his freedom just to talk about this man. I have heard his show and have heard some of his video (never again), and he even sounds like there’s something wrong with up upstairs. It’s not about black people with Mr. Lionel, it’s one of those things where a “crazy” individual sees someone that intrigues him or her, and they decide to mess with that individual. They crazy person may think the other person is government, an alien, or a very beautiful person. The reasons vary.
His excuse is Tommy is bad for the black community, but there’s another underlying reason why he will not stop messing with Tommy. I hate using the word crazy, because it’s a word that shouldn’t be used lightly, but I am saying that this man is out of his mind crazy. He’s a 50 year old man that refuses to leave another individual alone. He needs to be locked up or put on one of those psychotropic drugs.
The sad thing is that even with the law on him, he still can’t get the taste of Tommy out of his mouth. I mean you still going on and on about him. None of this would be an issue if he simply left the man and his family alone. So I guess when he actually goes to jail he’ll blame Tommy for that too.
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