Suffering From Bad Breath? Here’s How To Treat It Naturally!
by TJ July 5, 2014 3 comments7 Ways to Treat Bad Breath Naturally!
By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor
In this article I am going to share with you ways to treat bad breath naturally. Bad breath occurs when noticeably unpleasant odors are exhaled in breathing. It is estimated to be the third most frequent reason for seeking dental aid, following tooth decay and periodontal disease. If your bad breath is a result of a gum disease, go to your dentist. Gum disease is a common cause of bad breath and a dentist will be able to advise on a suitable treatment.
The intensity of bad breath differs during the day, due to eating certain foods (such as garlic, onions, meat, fish, and cheese), smoking, and alcohol consumption. Also since the mouth is exposed to less oxygen and is inactive during the night, the odor is usually worse upon awakening. The most common location for mouth related bad breath is the tongue. Tongue bacteria produce compounds and fatty acids, and accounts for 80 to 90% of all cases of mouth-related bad breath. However a great deal of bad breath originates in the gut due to poor digestion.
Common causes for bad breath:
1. Food – this is the main source of bad breath, especially foods, such as garlic, onions, meat, fish and cheese. Also foods can get stuck between the teeth, causing the growth of bacteria which causes bad breath odor.
2. Dry mouth – dry mouth (xerostomia) can also cause bad breath because the body doesn’t produce enough saliva which helps to cleanse the mouth.
3. Smoking – the chemicals that remain in the mouth can cause bad breath.
4. Dental issues – such as gum disease, cavities or plaque buildup.
5. Health problems – such as sinus infections, throat infections, acid reflux, liver and kidney diseases, stomach problems, alcoholism and more.
6. Medications – some medications can cause dry mouth which can cause bad breath.
Treatment of bad breath depends on the cause, but there are ways to eliminate or mask bad breath while the source of the problem is being treated. In any case of taking supplements, make sure to consult with your doctor first:
1. Digestive Enzymes
When you have poor digestion, consume digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes that contain hydrochloric acid (HCl) are highly recommended. Low stomach acid causes to symptoms like bad breath, bloating, gas and fatigue. In these cases HCl can help. The recommended dosage is 1 or 2 with every meal.
2. Probiotic Supplement
Gut health depends also on the proper balance of bacteria. In this case a good probiotic supplement, acidophilus and/or bifidus, is a great idea. The recommended dosage is 1 or 2, three times a day or as directed. You can also take the powdered form with water.
3. A diet for bad breath
If there is no balance between the “good” and the “bad” bacteria in the gut, it can cause bad breath. In this case oil of oregano capsules are a good idea to kill the “bad” bacteria. It is advised to take 2 capsules, three times a day. Since the “bad” bacteria live on sugar, you can have a diet that eliminates sugar, bread, pasta, rice, cereal or even fruit for a couple of weeks. Instead, consume protein, vegetables and good fats such as olive oil. More fiber in your diet is also a good idea to eliminate toxins from the body. The more whole foods you consume into your diet, the better, as processed foods are high in bad fats and sugar that can contribute to digestive problems and bad breath.
4. Charcoal
Another great supplement for helping bad breath and toxins in the gut is activated charcoal. It is recommended to take charcoal tablets between meals with plenty of water, and not at the same time as nutritional supplements or medications, as it may interfere with absorption.
5. Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll acts as an active ingredient to eliminate mouth odors. Clorets gum is a line of chewing gum and mints generally contains Actizol, a proprietary ingredient that has chlorophyll within it. Some practitioners recommend taking a few chlorophyll capsules or tablets on an empty stomach to eliminate gut toxins and support gut health. There are also “green drinks” found in health food supermarkets which contain chlorophyll containing grasses. Read more about chlorophyll in my article how to detoxify your body using chlorophyll.
6. Chewing herbs
Parsley is very high in chlorophyll. Chewing parsley or mint leaves is a natural cure for bad breath. Chewing these herbs is especially good if you ate before garlic or onions. These plants seem to reduce the production of gas in your gut and promoted better digestion. Also herbs like coriander, ginger, cumin and fennel are helpful and chewing them freshens the breath. If you are interested in herbs and herbal remedies, you can find more useful information in my e-book the Herbal Remedies Guide. This guide will teach you how to treat common ailments using herbs.
7. Peelu
Peelu is a tree whose fibers contains minerals that help oral hygiene and prevents gum bleeding. It also has agents that kill germs and a natural scent that refreshes breath. There are products that contain peelu as dental fibers, toothpaste or chewing gums.
Don’t forget while you brush your teeth to brush also the tongue, and floss afterwards. You can also use mouthwash if you want. Keep your mouth moist by drinking water and chewing sugar-free gum to stimulate the production of saliva.
Have a fresh breath!
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great post
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