Tag "women"

Tommy Sotomayor Ethers The Concept That All Women Deserve Respect! (Video)

Whores Do Exist! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor The idea of respect as a general concept is an admirable one but if a person shows you so called respect and they don’t know you has nothing to do with you and your…...

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Light Skinned Hood Chick Jumped By 3 JR BT-1000’s Over A Hamburger & Being Lighter & Prettier! (Video)

And Yall Say Colorism Is Dead?! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor In my home state of Georgia, In my home city of Atlanta, a story that ended up going viral because black chicks could only not keep their hands to themselves but…...

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Singer Tyrese Gibson & Rapper Snoop Dogs New Video Angers Blacks With Calls Of Misogyny &Hypocrisy! (Video)

Hypocrissy Or Reality? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Can’t a brother just live? Hell, seems not right now because every day everything you do is looked at under a microscope just because you either entertain people or you have made a lot…...

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Dear Miss Independent, Yes You Do Need A Man & Here’s Why! Pt 1 (Video)

So You Do It All By Yourself Huh? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So you say you dont need a man huh?  Well, how true is this statement and how false is this statement?  Well from what I can see, there is

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