Tag "tommy sotomayor"

“A Fatherless America” 2014 1st Promo! A #SotoNation Film (Video)

Getting The AFA Movement Back Into The Public Eye! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So here is my REBOOT of A Fatherless America the movie my documentary to build back buzz for the project.  Here is something I put together with a

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Ray Rice Released By Ravens After This Video But Is The Outrage Justified? (Video)

Ray Ray NOOOOOO! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Today the news that Ray Rice did not want to hear the first time that he went in front of Rodger Goddell came true over a month later! The Ray rice story that was

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Jackass Granddad Does Ice Bucket Challenge With His 10 Month Old Grand Baby! (Video)

The World Is Very Different Now! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So what I am doing a movie about fathers, this sh*t right here is what makes it hard for some fathers to get custody of their kids.  But in essence this

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Dear Miss Independent, Yes You Do Need A Man & Here’s Why! Pt 1 (Video)

So You Do It All By Yourself Huh? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So you say you dont need a man huh?  Well, how true is this statement and how false is this statement?  Well from what I can see, there is

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Tariq Nasheed’s Followers & Fans Threaten Tommy Sotomayors Life! (Video)

So This Is How Far Tariq Is Taking It? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So has no one noticed that when it comes to me and my followers we dont go around trying to harass people off of the internet!  We dont

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