Tag "tommy sotomayor"

11/27/14 – Thanksgiving Day, Tim Alexander Dealing With Snakes On Holidays!

Just In Case You Missed It! Watch Listen & Download Below   CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE AUDIO ONLY! Pt 1 CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE AUDIO ONLY! Pt 2 Watch Live On YouTube Below! 2nd Half… This content is for All Everything and...

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Responsible Gun Ownership Is Every Americans Right! Tommy Sotomayor Discussing The 2ndAmendment, Ferguson & Thanksgiving! (Video)

Exercise Your Right!!! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor It is every Americans right and I believe responsiblity to make sure that you are armed!  The protection of your family, your property but most of all, yourself is paramount!  If you would like…...

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Darren Wilson First Interview! FULL 45 MINUTES {Video} #FERGUSONDECISION

“It was like a 5-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan” ~Darren Wilson Ferguson, Missouri, police Officer Darren Wilson, in his first interview since he fatally shot unarmed teenager Michael Brown, said he’s not tormented by that fateful encounter on a streetin…...

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 BE SAFE AND ENJOY YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!      … This content is for All Everything, All Everything Monthly, and Register For Free members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...

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NFL Player Devon Still Baby Momma Says She & Sick Kid Are Homeless Due To Him Being A Dead Beat Dad! (Video)

And Yall Still Wonder Why I Speak The Way I Do About A Certain Group Of Women?? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Well Well Well, The enforement arm of white supremacy is at it again! If you do believe that there is…...

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Cleveland Snow Pigs Murder 12 Year Old Boy For Holding A Toy Gun Caught On Video! (Video)

OK, Let’s See Them Explain This One By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor On Sunday November 23rd 2014 In Cleveland Ohio, The Cleveland Police department decided that it would be fun for them to do what a whole lot of police departments have…...

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11/25/14 – The Ferguson Riots, Police & Race Relations In 2014!

Listen In Live Call in to talk live at 347-989-8310 & Email questions to [email protected] CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE BLOG TALK CHAT ROOM!   Watch & Listen Live Below What ever happened to flying cars, what ever happened to the…...

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Mike Browns Ghetto Mom & Step Dad Act A Damn Fool & Ask Blacks To Burn Down Ferguson! (Video)

So Much For Honoring Her Baby’s Memory.. By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor The idiots known as Mike Brown’s Mother & Step Father showed their true colors after the Grand Jury came out with a decision not to indict killer cop Darren Wilson in…...

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Please Stop Telling Black People That Looting & Violence Doesnt Lead To Change! (Video)

Don’t Get It Twisted… Violence Does Lead To Change! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor This is to all of the people claiming that Looting, Rioting and any amount of violence does not lead to change?… This content is for All Everything, All...

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11/23/14 – Bill Cosby, Drugs & Rape Allegations, How Do You Feel About It?

Listen In Live Call in to talk live at 347-989-8310 & Email questions to [email protected] CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE BLOG TALK CHAT ROOM!   Watch & Listen Below What ever happened to flying cars, what ever happened to the Yugo,…...

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