Tag "threats"

Why I Think Pro Blacks Are Full Of Sh*t! (Twitch & Twitter Live Show!) Midnight Madness

Lets Get It!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor… This content is for All Everything, All Everything Monthly, Website & OF Telegram Page!, and Twitch Live & Replays members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...

This content is for All Everything, All Everything Monthly, Website & OF Telegram Page!, and Twitch Live & Replays members only.
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4 Niggly Bears Dressed As UPS Men Rob & Beat Snow Man At Gunpoint While His Wife & Kids Watched! (Video)

Fear The Niggly’s By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Click here https://youtu.be/xJ6ItVQFz_o SCARY VIDEO: MAN POSED AS UPS DRIVER TO ROB GALLERIA-AREA HOME; 4 SOUGHT IN VIOLENT ATTACK A father takes us through a frightening home invasion in the Galleria area. HOUSTON…...

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Angel Ramirez-Jordan Makes New Video Releasing Tommy Sotomayors Mothers Info! This Will Be My Last Reply! (Video)

The Last Meal! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor There is a dude on youtube who literally has openly admitted that not only did he hit below the belt by emailing me about my mother and letting me know that people in my…...

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Friends Of Slain DC Rapper/Youtuber ‘Kealo’ Threaten Tommy Sotomayors Life Over News Report! (Video)

Violence Begats Violence! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Well here was yet another fine mess that I got myself into! While doing my show last nite I was told that there were people posting on my facebook fan page that if they ever…...

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BT-1000 DSE Arrested For Posting On Facebook That Blacks Should Kill White Cops! (Video)

DSE=Dark Skinned Edition! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor When Skynet took over the Cyberdine systems project one of the most destructive things it gained access to was the Black Terminatrix.  The project was funded back in 1960 and went online in 1965…...

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How Youtube, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Put Its Users Lives At Risk & Why! (Video)

This Is What They Allow To Happen! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Today I was stopped dead in my tracks when I was reading comments on my latest video trying to say something encouraging to black women called “Ladies, Dont Be Sad,…...

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Watch As Tommy ‘Tj’ Sotomayor Gets Threatened By Teen-aged Friends Of Girl Slain Over Facebook Post In Birmingham! (Video)

And This Is Why KeKe Is Dead!?! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So let me get this straight, black people were able to cheer when OJ Simpson Got off for killing a white person?  Blacks were able to cheer when NY cops were

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