Tag "sotomayortv.com"

Are Blacks Intellectually Inferior To Whites? This Black Man Says Yes, Do You Agree? (Live Podcast)

I’ve Got Facts!!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor The Disturbing Resilience of Scientific Racism A new book explores how racist biases continue to maintain a foothold in research today Ramin SkibbaMay 20, 2019 Scientists, including those who study race, like to see themselves

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I Joined In On Pro Blacks During Twitter Space & They Were Going At Each Other & Their Queens! Listen! (Video)

Lovely Chaos!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Yall know me, I love going to hear what these fools will say next and you can bet they did not disappoint me. There was really no need for me to say anything seeing as everything

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Exclusive Footage Of The Last Thing That The Crew Of The Titanic Sub Saw Before Running Out Of Air! (Video)

Oh Yeah!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor I am really silly and I hope this doesnt bother you but comedy helps me cope!

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