Tag "racism"
Black People & Why They Love To Support & Protect Criminals! (Video)
Am I Wrong? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Seems to me like black people are willing to go all out for the same criminals that they claim have them hostage in their own neighborhoods! The riots in Baltimore Maryland are still going…...
How Tariq Nasheed, The Director Of The Hidden Colors Series, Changed The Word “Crispy” To Mean Rough, Ashy & Gay! SMH (Video)
I Guess The Public Is Stupid Right? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor They say a sucker is born every minute and in the case of people who listen to Tariq Nasheed, Well I would say that one is born every second of…...
Baltimore Riots & The Liberal Media! Tommy Sotomayor Joins Anthony Cumia To Speak Honestly! (Video)
Your Thought? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Before we get all up in arms about who was killed can I ask you where the citizens were when freddie gray was doing these things? FREDDIE GRAY’S ARREST RECORD: March 20, 2015: Possession of…...
Why Do Evil, Racist Whites Seem To Treat You Better Than The Blacks Who Call Them That? (Video)
So Are Whites Really The Enemy? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor I woke up this morning to find out that a video I did last month has over 100,000 views when just a week ago it only had 20k views. I posted…...
Stop Begging White People To Treat You Like They Treat Each Other! (Video)
Why Don’t You Get It? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Why do you think black people go around wondering why whites would treat other whites better than they treat blacks?… This content is for All Everything, All Everything Monthly, and Register For...
Short Film Calls For Ferguson Blacks To Riot & Kill Cops, Whites & Officer Darren Wilson For Revenge! (Video) Is This Art Of An Abuse Of Free Speech?
Free Speech Or Dangerous Speech? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor A young man who is a veteran hollywood actor tweeted me his video this morning and wanted me to give my opinion on what I was watching. The short film slash music…...
Lil Nigga Gifted A Heart Transplant Dies In A Crash Evading Police! Where R The Cries Of Racism Now? (Video)
A Waste of A Heart! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So, 2 years ago, there was a large liberal outcry saying that denying a Georgia teen with a troubled past access to a heart transplant was racist and that blacks were being…...
Why I Ask “Where Is Darren Wilson When You Need Him”? Darren Wilson Vs Black Thugs! (Video)
Niggaz Being Niggaz! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Frankyly, I would rather see a street over run with Darren Wilsons than a street over run with black thugs! I ask where is Darren Wilson because I know niggaz are afraid of Darren…....
Black Victimhood Pt 2: The White Liberal Deception! (Video)
I Hope It Sets In! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor… This content is for All Everything, All Everything Monthly, and Register For Free members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
Its Time For Blacks To Get Out Of The Hood…The Victim Hood! (Video)
Victim-Hood Status! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Its high time that we as blacks just stopped looking for others to blame and started looking to ourselves for accountibility! click here to see part 2… This content is for All Everything, All Everything...