Tag "race"
Dear Serena Williams, Do U Think Your Dead Sister Would Fear White Cops Or Black Thugs? (Video)
A Reminder To Serena! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So Serena Williams came out in support of black lives matter and against the white cops but how many of you knew about her 31 year old sister who was murdered? Seems…...
Controversial YouTuber Joey Salads On Black Violence, Race Baiting & Getting Death Threats! (Video)
So What Is Real And What Isn’t! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor We have a lot of youtubers out there and one of the biggest is a young man by the name of Joey Salads. He is known for doing some…...
Nebraska Football Player Kneels Down During The National Anthem & Gets Death Threats From Whites! (Video)
Can We Have Some Tolerance? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor My question to the world is this, why is it OK for people to threaten other people over a disagreement? Well, a Nebraska linebacker had to ask himself just that question…...
The Viral Video That Should Put The Final Nail In The Black Lives Matter Movement Coffin! (Video)
I Cried & You Will Too… By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor This video is powerful and I do believe that not only should you watch it but you should share! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCnoG4JjJFY This video has whites and blacks attacking cops but it…...
Tommy Sotomayor With Gavin McInnes on Black Queans, Fatherless Homes, Race & Black Privilege! (Video)
Gavin Flaming The Whole PC Culture! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So I had an opportunity to interview one of my favorite dudes in entertainment by the name of Gavin McGinnes. I was so psyched to talk to him but lets…...
Black People We Must Boycott The Biopic Of Nina Simone Starring Zoe Saldana & Here’s Why! (Video)
The Whitewashing Nina Simone! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor The biopic of Nina Simone is one that has been in the making for many years. It is of a Jazz singer who struggled not only with how she looked but how…...
Black Woman With White Husband Goes 1 On 1 With Tommy Over Perceptions Of Interracial Relationships! (Video)
Is She Selling Out? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So, I had a woman who says she has been a follower of mine for a while but she wanted to go 1 on 1 with me to discuss her being married…...
3/1/16 – How Black Women Are Single-Handedly Destroying The Black Race! 9p-2a EST Call 347-989-8310
Email questions to [email protected] Watch & Listen Live Below AUDIO BELOW! Pt 1 AUDIO BELOW! Pt 2 View The Show Below! 1st Half 900-1100 EST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF5nA-IQgH0 2nd Half 1100p-100a EST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rhJ49Kr4tg … This content is for All Everything and All...
2/21/16 – What Is The True State Of Black People In The United States Today 2016?
Listen In Live Call in to talk live at 347-989-8310 & Press 1 Email questions to [email protected] SKYPE LIVE IN THE SHOW BY EMAILING UR SKYPE ID TO [email protected] CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE BLOG TALK CHAT ROOM! Watch &…...
VIOLENT BLACK PANTHER PARTY? Tomi Lahren VS Charlamagne Tha God As Seen By Tommy Sotomayor! (Video)
Who Was The Donkey On This Day? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Well, after watching the great debate between Tomi Lahren & C Tha God, People asked me to give my opinions of what I saw, So here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTescgJe7K4 It was…...