Tag "guns"

Feds Raid P-Diddy’s Homes! Does The Fall Of Black Men Bring More Joy To Blacks Than To Racists? (Live Broadcast)

Our Own Worst Enemy!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Federal Agents Raid Homes Tied to Sean Combs in Los Angeles and Miami In response to questions about Mr. Combs’s residences, Homeland Security Investigations said the searches were part of “an ongoing investigation.” Federal

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Gilbert Arenas Takes Aim At American Sports Today & Thug/Gun Culture With Blacks! w/ Tommy Sotomayor (Live Broadcast)

Talk To Tommy Sotomayor LIVE!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Want to join the panel, click here

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Donald Trump Threatens Chicago Thugs With Sending In The Feds To Fix Violence Issue! (Video)

Despite Trump tweet, anti-violence options for feds limited By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Donald Trumps tweet was nice and he might have even meant every word of it, but the truth of the matter is that there are only so many…...

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