Tag "blog"

All Of The Pro Black Sandra Bland Supporters Are Full Of BS & He Is Why! (Video)

Do Nothing Niggaz! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor There is a real shame in all of this and that shame is that people are using the death of this woman to up their own profiles. From people who believe that she was…...

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Who Started Disrespecting Women 1st…Men or Women? The Answer Will Shock You!!! (Video)

The Disrespect You See Today Was Caused By…? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Black men have been calling women b*tches and whores and all types of names in rap music and to their faces for like the past 30 years but is…...

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Approaching A Rattlesnake Is A More Pleasant Experience Than Approaching The Average Black Woman!

I Choose The Snake! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So I just want black men to watch this video below and tell me if you agree or not with how hard it is to just be friendly to the average black woman…...

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‘The Car Analogy’! Ladies If You’re Single & A Good Catch..This Is A Must Watch Video For You! (Video)

This Is For You Ladies! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor This will be a apart of my video series called ‘Ladies, this is for you’!  This first of these videos is called ‘The Car Analogy’!  I will be doing this series in…...

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Street Dude Says Hes Tired Of Blacks Being Ignorant! Has This Street Thug Turned Coon? (Video)

Street Thug Turned Coon? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor I get threatened all day because people know that I am not a street dude but lets see if this man who says the same thing I say just in his own street…...

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CoonTalk101 – Blacks Should Boycott The Christian Bible Before The Confederate Flag! (Video)

Which Should Blacks Be More Offended By? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Black people need to understand that if they find it a problem with the displaying the Confederate Flag then they need to take a look at the Holy Bible as

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Dear Dark Skinned Women.. You Can’t Force People Into Finding You Attractive So Stop Trying!!! (Video)

People Like Who They Like! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor This is the first video in my dark skin expose video series!  This series is going to try my best to get dark skinned women to realize they have their own lane…...

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Its OK To Have Morals Without Being Moralistic!!! (Video)

Why Not Just Be A Good Person For You? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor The thought behind this video came to me as I was trying to figure out why so many people were really hard on how other people lived their…...

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Why Do Evil, Racist Whites Seem To Treat You Better Than The Blacks Who Call Them That? (Video)

So Are Whites Really The Enemy? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor I woke up this morning to find out that a video I did last month has over 100,000 views when just a week ago it only had 20k views.  I posted…...

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The True Reasons Why Cops Rarely Get Charged For Murdering An Unarmed Black Man! (Video)

When Is Killing You Legal? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor I came across an article and a video that to me would explain a lot to people who are having encounters with police.  Now you know I like stats and facts and…...

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