Tag "black woman"
Black Chick Spits & Punches At A Man & His Family Calling Them Honkies! Where Is Al Sharpton? (Video)
Just Violent For No Reason! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Now do you guys remember when a white chick acted like this after she thought a black guy was going to hit her kid? Do you guys remember the public outrage and…...
Man Records Black Life Guard Sleeping On Duty With Her Two Bastard Kids In Tow! (Video)
Should This Have Been Done? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Today I was sent a tweet by a young man who was on vacation in Gary Indiana At Marquette Park just so happened to walk past a life guard who was literally…...
Sandra Bland Suicide Investigation Did Her Attitude Cause Her Death? (Video)
Why Is Cooperation Bad? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor First off I want to make this clear, the idiot cop escalated the situation by asking the woman how she felt while writing her a ticket and of course she wasnt going to…...
BT-1000 DSE Arrested For Posting On Facebook That Blacks Should Kill White Cops! (Video)
DSE=Dark Skinned Edition! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor When Skynet took over the Cyberdine systems project one of the most destructive things it gained access to was the Black Terminatrix. The project was funded back in 1960 and went online in 1965…...
Laio Morris ‘The Baby Momma Presidental Candidate’ In 2016 Goes 1 On 1 With Tommy Sotomayor Live
Hail To The Chief By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Laio Morris who says she is a real baby momma and plans on running for president of the United States In 2016 wants to sit down and talk with Tommy Sotomayor about that…...
Fla BT-1000 Leaves Her Baby Home Alone While She Went Out To Club.. The Baby Dies! (Video)
Dead Baby Storage! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So let me get this straight, this woman has a long history of being arrested, she leaves the kid at home because she didnt want to pay for baby sitting but ends up being…...
Black Beast Smothers Her 1 Year Old Daugther To Death While Others Watch & Plead For Her To Stop! (Video)
BT-1000 KC Masterpiece!! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So seriously, is no one safe out here? Where is the father? Does he have no option? Does anyone care what the father thinks or goes through? Does he care about what happened to…...
Ohio BT-1000 Mom Arrested For Decapitating Her 3 Month Old Baby! (Video)
A Partial Recall! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Want to know how much America wants to see black children dead or in jail? Well, this brutal story starts off with this one fact. The mother Deasia Watkins has had her 3 month…...
BT-1000 Mom Burns Her 3 Kids Alive & Calls White Father So He Can Hear Their Screams! (Video)
Snack Pack Throwers Of America! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor After you read what I am about to write please do not respond with “White women do it too” because black women are supposed to be so much better than white women!…...
Black Queen & Her Snow S.I.M.P. Confront @TjSotomayor Live On Air Then All Hell Breaks loose! (Video)
Logical Mismatch! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor A black woman by the name of destiny who lives somewhere up north decided that on her day off what she would do was get on youtube, make a video saying how retarded I am…...