Tag "barack obama"

Should Blacks Be Offended That Malia Obama Can Twerk & Party In Chicago With No Fear Of Being Murdered? (Video)

Why Is Milia Safe In Chicago Streets? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Well, so you might have enjoyed seeing the presidents daughter twerking for the camera and if you have not seen it then just click here but after the twerking was…...

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Barack Obama Daughter Malia Twerks & Flashes Her Azz For Racist White Men In Chicago! (Video)

This Has To Be Called Cooning Right? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor I don’t know how to judge this one, I mean she is a kid who wants to be like her friends but she is also a kid that is…...

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CNN Analyst Endorses Tommy Sotomayor’s Video Asking Barack Obama To Ban Niggaz! (Video)

Ban Niggaz Mr President!!! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor CNN Analyst Endorses Video Arguing That Obama Should ‘Ban N*ggas’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7xmiK-nsSE&feature=youtu.be CNN law enforcement analyst Harry Houck shared a link to a Facebook video Monday that argued that instead of banning guns, President Barack…...

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Tommy Sotomayor’s Thoughts On The Slow Wits Bad Lisps Battle Of Phil Advise Vs Jesse Lee Paterson! (Video)

So How Did I Really See It! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor First off, I shouldnt even be commenting on this because I see how lames keep claiming that I somehow am jealous of this man and that is the only reason…...

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15-Yr Old Zaevion Dobson, Was Killed While Shielding 3 Tennessee Girls From A Hail Of Bullets! (Video)

Black Lives Matter… Can We Get A March? A Protest? Posted by: Evie R.   RIP 24. Thank you for your gift of heroism. pic.twitter.com/Huw9P6l8Gn — Zack James ▲#24/7 (@FHSCoachJames) December 22, 2015   here’s a saying that the true…...

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How Today’s Mass Shooting In California Will Strengthen Barack Obama Assault On The 2nd Amendment? (Video)

Stand Up Americans! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor In an event where 14 people were killed and 17 others have been wounded, It literally took no time before our president Barack Obama came out and told that world yet again that it…...

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A @BarackObama Whitehouse BT-1000 Goes Rogue & Shoots At Her SIMP Boyfriend! (Video)

“You taught me how to use this. Don’t think I won’t use it!” ~Barvetta Singletary By: Tommy Sotomayor https://youtu.be/fhfTqt_LMgg A White House aide who lured her cop boyfriend to her house for dirty sex turned into Dirty Harry — taking…...

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Bruce Jenner AKA Caitlyn Jenner Comes Out & Tommy Sotomayor Goes In On Him & Barack Obama! (Video)

Bruce Alrighty!!! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor I wonder, why are people so excited about seeing a man in his 60s transform intoo a woman?  Well, the president of the US Mr Barack Obama decided to join in the world saying how…...

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Is TV Show Host Rodner Figueroa Racist For Saying Michelle Obama Looks Like An Ape? (Video)

This Is Not Racist! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor First off, lets all be honest, Michelle Obama is not a 10 or even an 8.  This woman is at best a 5 and thats with all of the make up and wardrobe…...

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Youtube Star Glozell Green’s Interview With Obama Proves Once Again Why Black Women Are A Joke! (Video)

Obama With The Assist! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Yep, Obama with the assist,,,, In helping make black women look as ridiculous as the rest of the world thinks they are during his dumb interview with the youtube stars of america.  Now…...

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