Tag "barack obama"

Feds Raid P-Diddy’s Homes! Does The Fall Of Black Men Bring More Joy To Blacks Than To Racists? (Live Broadcast)

Our Own Worst Enemy!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Federal Agents Raid Homes Tied to Sean Combs in Los Angeles and Miami In response to questions about Mr. Combs’s residences, Homeland Security Investigations said the searches were part of “an ongoing investigation.” Federal

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West Virginia Cake-Faced Mayor Fired for Calling the First Lady Michelle Obama an ‘Ape in Heels’! (Video)

APE, Really? Come On Lady.. By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor The Mayor of the small West Virgina town of Clay, Beverly Whaling has put in her resignation effective immediately after being part of a stupid bigoted post made by the county’s director of…...

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