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Black Shitcago Mother Who Starved Her 2 Month Old To Death Was 7 Months Pregnant When Arrested! (Video)

Black Shitcago Mother Who Starved Her 2 Month Old To Death Was 7 Months Pregnant When Arrested! (Video)

by February 21, 2017 0 comments

Oh And She Has 2 Other Kids!

By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor

There is no damn answer for this crap as long as women are allowed to continue to have kid after kid by any and everyone!

Chicago mother charged with starving infant to death in 2014

Shawnquail Minnis, 22, is charged with murder in the Nov. 5, 2014, death of her son, Jashawn McBride, who the Cook County medical examiner's office determined died at 54 days old of starvation in a homicide by neglect. (Cook County sheriff's photo)

Shawnquail Minnis, 22, is charged with murder in the Nov. 5, 2014, death of her son, Jashawn McBride, who the Cook County medical examiner’s office determined died at 54 days old of starvation in a homicide by neglect. (Cook County sheriff’s photo)

CHICAGO — Chicago police charged a Chicago woman with starving her 2-month-old son to death.

Shawnquail Minnis, 22, is charged with first-degree murder after allowing her baby to become so emaciated that medical personnel could make out his facial bones and see individual ribs through his skin, according to court records.

When Jashawn McBride was born in September of 2014, he was a healthy, full-term baby and weighed more than 8 pounds.

When he died two months later, he was down to 4 pounds, 13 ounces.

The medical examiner’s officer determined Jashawn died of starvation. His death was ruled a neglect homicide.

Her two other children are now in foster care, and she’s 7 months pregnant.

She’s being held on $2 million bail at Cook County Jail.

Prosecutors did not say why it took more than two years to charge Minnis.

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