Why Does It Seem Like There Are More Black Men With Long Hair Than Black Women?
by Tj Sotomayor February 27, 2014 0 commentsOr is it just me?
By: Tommy Sotomayor
So why is it that you see more black men these days with long hair than you see black women with it?
My 8 year old daughter was noticing this and actually pointed this out to me and I couldnt believe how right she was. While at hooters, we were looking around and literally not one black woman in the place had their real hair. Oh and they didn’t just have weave in their heads but they had weave all the way down to their butts and they all looked like either the cowardly lion or the a Klingon.
So why did I see that the people with the longest natural hair were all black men?
Why is it that you can go to any NFL or NBA team and find more black men with long natural healthy black hair than you can going into any black beauty salon?
To me black women have literally become a shell of their former selves and they are OK with it.
You cant be a strong woman when you are too weak to walk around looking like how GOD made you! You are the weakest being on the planet and for any man dating the weave headed venus fly trap eye lash wearing, shaving off their eyebrows in order to draw them back on to look forever surprised black women, I wish you look and God speed!
Do you think I am being too hard on black women or should this change?
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