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Musician Qu’ality Sings His Song NA TU RAL! Great Song About Natural Hair But….(Video)

Musician Qu’ality Sings His Song NA TU RAL! Great Song About Natural Hair But….(Video)

by May 18, 2014 4 comments

The Queen Is Dead

By: Tommy ”Tj” Sotomayor

Below is a song by a brother about natural hair.. After, I will give my opinion

OK Guys, I loved the song but here is my issue with it which is why us as men are not helping the situation.  If you noticed, in the lyrics the man talk about how hypocritical black women can be.  He spoke about black women having bad attitudes, being sexual creatures yet still talking about their love of GOD.

He was speaking in general about the beauty of natural women in general not just black women but in the video he seemed to show how beautiful the non black women were and focus on their natural glow but when it came to the black women he seemed to only focus on their shapes.

Even when people are saying nice stuff about black women, they still say what their main thoughts of them are which is usually bad attitudes and sex.

Dont believe me?  Go back and watch the video and see how often he has the women in overly sexual gear and positions.  Go see how most of the women have on overly tight clothing and back camera shots.  The brother tried to make an uplifting song and it was pretty cool but why did he have to keep showing the black girls butts so prominent?

How can we get black women to feel good about their hair when all we really care about is how big their behind is and how sexy they look in tight clothing?  We dont care about if they are natural or not just as long as they will be easy prey for us and that too me is unintended part of the song that many of us dont get.

The black womans body in its best form is unmatched in my opinion but we need to stop discussing her in only one way then get mad when she only shows us this side of her!  To be honest when the guy was talking about wearing extensions to protect their hair was bothersome to me.  This guy is making a song but to me he was just trying to get a segment of women to listen to his song but he never stood up for anything.  We say anything to get a woman in the bed but never really saying how we really feel.  Songs like this make my job more difficult because when I say to them what I really feel, it sets them off.  Black men can we stop lying for one dayum day?

What are your thoughts?




4 Comments so far

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  1. Fareed
    #1 Fareed 18 May, 2014, 21:22

    Simple song with repetitive lyrics! It’s alright!

  2. frannycat1
    #2 frannycat1 21 May, 2014, 12:11

    I knew how to corn row before I could put my own “white” hair brushed into a neat pony, having no mom I always had long scruffy hair, unkempt as a kid. Black hair looks normal to me. Weave looks pretty, very pretty too. But its a bit far fetched with the blond, blue contact thing. I’m brunette, brown eyed. I bought blue contacts once, looked like a space monster, they hurt, to hell with that. I love my baby brown’s, and my hair now that I’m told is so “naturally” pretty. I always liked and envied my girlhood black girlfriends hair I braided. Then they would “Bo Derek” me, lololol! I looked silly. Black women probably don’t realize sometimes their beauty, their hair is their beauty. Just the way I feel. Who really gives a shir about how curly, I straiten and burn my hair for what?

  3. frannycat1
    #3 frannycat1 21 May, 2014, 12:16

    You see those photo’s, how pretty. My white crown is mine. How can someon deny how sexy and pretty those pictures are. Look at these women, just look how pretty! Ok, I’m guilty of playing in my mixed husband’s tighly curled hair, lol!

    #4 MICHAEL ANDROZZO 17 June, 2014, 10:33

    once again your on point

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