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Joe Biden’s Hair From 1979 to 2024 The Greatest Comeback Story In History! LOL (Video)

Joe Biden’s Hair From 1979 to 2024 The Greatest Comeback Story In History! LOL (Video)

by July 23, 2024 0 comments

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By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor

Not since Lebron James have we seen such a wonderful hairline comeback story! LOL

Seriously, I was watching this video of Joe Biden from 79 til now and as you watch, just take a look at how much his hair line keeps changing!

Look, they may be able to get rid of Joe Biden from the Democratic nomination but they cant get rid of his wonderful hairline!

The curious case of Joe Biden’s barnet – and how he refreshed his look to defeat Trump

The Democrat’s look has been subject to some subtle changes over the decades, and it’s certainly won over the voters

Joe Biden has had a hair transformation over the last few decades
Joe Biden has had a hair transformation over the last few decades

Joe Biden’s win in the US election last weekend, and defeat of current president Donald Trump, culminated in a victory speech in Delaware during which the 77 year-old, who undoubtedly had little sleep over the last few days, looked remarkably fresh. Biden’s campaign slogan might have been a ‘battle for the soul of the nation’, but he’s already gone to war on his follicles. 

Photos emerged earlier this year on Twitter of ‘before’ and ‘after’ shots of Biden’s hair, but the speculation around the mane of the new President-elect is nothing new. What’s clear from photos is that in 1987 Biden had a bald patch swept over with long grey hair. Today it’s admittedly thinning, but the 77-year-old has an evenly full head of neat white hair. Biden himself has never commented on the subject; as far back as 1987 a Washington Post journalist who enquired was told, “Guess. I’ve got to keep some mystery in my life”.

Joe Biden 1987
The Democrat had a thinner mane of hair back in the 1980s CREDIT: Getty Images

“You can tell that he’s had perhaps two or three hair transplants”, says Nadeem Uddin Khan, director of Harley Street Hair Clinic. “I would wager that the first was done in the late ’80s, and wasn’t as refined, and he’s had at least one update. I think it could be a little more natural. Because of the nature of the design, it looks a little outdated – older methods would see hair in bigger clusters instead of more spread out. Now it’s a little more refined”, says Uddin Khan.

Other commentators have suggested that Biden’s had work to smooth lines on his face, and had veneers fitted to his teeth. Trump used it as a form of base insult during his own campaign, telling onlookers that Biden has had plastic surgery. The New York Post has previously stated that the next president has had Botox and an eyelift, enlisting a cosmetic surgeon to speculate on what he might have had done. Either way, his appearance was enough to win over voters. While thinning dark hair can be more visible and obvious, the ageing process and the eschewing crown of (rather magisterial, if you ask me) white hair helps to blend in somewhat. 

Joe Biden
Joe Biden during his victory speech after winning the US election

It’s wise that Biden downplays any vanity projects; he gained significant traction in blue collar towns and it’s unlikely that those in his hardscrabble hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, would take too kindly to a man who puts hair plugs before employment stats.

At 77, Biden is set to be the oldest US president – Donald Trump was 70 when he was inaugurated. But older men exploring hair transplants is on the rise; Uddin Khan has noted an uplift in 60-plus men who aren’t willing to segue into the pipe, slippers and baldness just yet. “Today our clients aren’t willing to give up feeling young; they’re healthier, fitter and they don’t want to just bid farewell to their hair. They’re happy to invest in themselves. 

Biden’s discreet approach to refreshing his appearance deliberately takes the opposite barber’s chair to Trump, who has been routinely mocked for his appearance – the unnatural shade of nicotine yellow hair and fake tan outlines. But even Trump has taken note of Biden’s age-appropriate hair colour; during the campaign his hair changed to a more natural grey hue. 

Joe Biden
A dashing Joe Biden as a young man CREDIT: Joe Biden/Twitter

As a man, Biden will be subject to a fraction of the scrutiny that his Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is already experiencing for every minutiae of her look. But with a few subtle tweaks, he’s firmly keeping his responsible elder statesman appeal without allowing himself to look frail or elderly.

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