Tnn News
Teen Beastie Who Fell Out Of A Moving Car Twerking Explains Her Actions To Awaiting White Media! (Video)
The Princess Has Arrived! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor In a video that has been making its rounds around the Internet on Wednesday, an Atlanta teen by the name of Brittany Swift has become viral video famous as she tried to twerk out…...
Black Teen Makes White News Anchor Cry & Pro Blacks All Over America Look Weak & Hypocritical!
His Momma Black! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Oddly enough, his momma really is black and the young man is nappy headed and crispy black. I mean so black that you cant see him at night. That if he wore a black…...
Pocahanti-beastie Woman Murders Boyfriend & 3 Year Old Son Stuffing The Body In The Deep Freezer! (Video)
Women Would Never Hurt Their Kids…Right? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor A woman was arrested on suspicion of murder after sheriff’s deputies found her boyfriend shot dead and her 3-year-old son’s body stuffed in the freezer at her home on an Indian…...
Chicago S.I.M.P. Murders Own Mother Because She Said He Had “No Game”! #IShitUNot (Video)
I’ll Aways Love My Momma! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor The life of a S.I.M.P. is a very difficult one! You start off believing things about your mom that if you applied these things to any other woman she would be considered…...
Former NBA Player & CBS Analyst Greg Anthony Arrested For Trying To Buy Some Poosie! (Video)
I Guess The Best Things In Life Are Free.. By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor So the DC police would have you believe but when it comes to getting the fresh fish sandwich sometimes you just feel the need to pay for it.
Read MorePiece Of Sh!t Mom Burns Her Newborn Baby Alive In The Middle Of The Road! (Video)
A Mothers Love… By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Before we get this started lets get it out of the way.. I am a coon, I am a punk, I am gay, I hate my mom, I only like white women, I am…...
Snow Beast Tries To Kill Her 9 & 4 Year Old By Poisoning Their Apple Juice! ( Video)
Who Is Protecting These Kids? By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor This is gotten just crazy! The kids of America are in harms way everyday and there isn’t anyone who is there to try to protect them. Men our hands are tied. The…...
10 Beautiful Black Queens Arrested For Prostituting In Front Of Schools & Churches In Memphis TN! (Video)
Well Dayum It Man! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor OK DAYUM!!! The BT-1000 has gone rouge. When the hell is Sky Net going to pull the plug on this experiment? In Ratchet Town USA AKA Memphis TN, there is a story of…...
Hail To The Queen! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Hail To The Queen, Cause The Queen Is Steedy Failing, Hail To The Queen Cause She Takes Pride In Her Failure So Lets Hail To The Queen Cause The Queen Is Steady Failing,…...
Strong Black Mother Of 2 Murdered By Meth Addicted White Snow King Who Then Ran Off With A Junkie! (Video)
Different Skin Same Result! By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Wow, Now for some reason it seems that black women just can not pick suitable mates for themselves and I mean even if in many cases the women have children. Now you would…...