
Tommy Sotomayor Questions October 7th and America’s Support Of Israel! Is This Anti-Semetic? (Video)

Tommy Don’t Miss!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Click here to see the entire show

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Does This Video Explain Why Whites May Not Want To Rent To Blacks? Best Response Wins $100 Dollars! (Video)

Racism?By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor I have heard people complain about Donald Trumps rental history and how he refuses to rent to blacks but is he wrong for thinking that? Please watch the video below and leave your responses…. Your reply can

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Black Child Threatens White Cops Lives As They Question Her Mom Over Recent Theft! (Video)

This Is What I Mean!By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor Black Single Mothers Are Destroying The Black Community!

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