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Blacks Rob A Shooting Victim Then Leave Him For Dead While Video Taping It!

by April 15, 2013 1 comment

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  1. Giorgos
    #1 Giorgos 22 April, 2013, 18:12

    elsewhere, I cannot imngaie Dr. Gates talking about his or anyone else’s mama, just as I have trouble imagining any of his white peers at Harvard doing the same. That was one of the red flags that made me doubt the account as the police reported it. Why does Gates owning his noted intellectual capacity and achievement make you queasy?It is not against the law to protest to the police about the treatment you receive at their hands or to be indignant in their presence. Forget Gates’ stature in the community- it amazes me that the Cambridge police would not know who this man was- the man was right off of an international flight with a bronchial infection. I’d have a hard time controlling my temper as well.Re: Doctor Benjamin, if we’re going to disqualify her for the position of Surgeon General because we do not think that she is effectively walking the walk and would be an ineffective role model in her position, then we’ll also need to ask a bunch of other doctors and K-12 teachers to change careers. It appears that she is healthier than both of her parents, who died of diabetes/high blood pressure and lung cancer. That alone makes her a positive role model to many people also trying to beat their family histories. More to the point of the job, she has shown determination to provide care to her patients even in the worst of circumstances.I am baffled that someone who has won a Genius award and received the Nelson Mandela Award for Health and Human Rights, among other things, needs to be defended as a pick for this job.

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