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Black Women All Out Beasties Brawl After Their Daughters Get Into It & One Gets KOed By S.I.M.P.! (Video)

Black Women All Out Beasties Brawl After Their Daughters Get Into It & One Gets KOed By S.I.M.P.! (Video)

by May 7, 2014 5 comments

There Is No Help For Them!

By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor

We must allow them to destroy each other.  If you are bold enough to put your life in danger trying to help them then GOD be with you but as for me, I will have nothing to do with these type of people.  A black woman posted the video below and wanted me to Ether the people involved.  I was so disgusted by this video that all I could do is rant softly.  Please watch and then read more

Here is the letter that was put on my wall on facebook

Every Grown Person In This Video is Special, Including The Person Recording. I Say “Special” Because It Takes A Special Kind Of FOOL To Think Any Of This Is Okay ! She In The Video Talking About “Nobody Will Hit Mines” (talking about her kid) But Then She Goes & Attacks The Woman That Did It WITH Her Kids & Other Kids Present … So What Kind Of Example Is She Setting For Her Kids? All I See Is A Bunch Of Bumby, Broke & Ratchet Females Doing what They Do Best – ACT IGNORANT !! I Bet Not One Of These Specials Have an Education Nor A Home Outside Of The Projects … And The Male That Played His Part In Beast Mode Isn’t To Far From DUMB Himself !! They All Need To Be Charged With Child Abuse/Neglect ….. Tommy It’s Time To ETHER These Clowns BUT Pray For The Minds & Safety Of These Children First !! #StraightClowns #NoFacePaint


At what point can we not look this as well as the women in these situation as waste?  When can we say that no man in the world should want to be with women like these?

It should be the battle cry of every black man that we will no longer have any SIMPathy for these women.  I loved to see the man knock this woman out and I want to see it happen more to these women who act like men.  Who talk like men, who approach you like a man an in most cases who look just like men.  My motto is that if you want to see if women really want equality, punch one in the face!  If the response is, “you cant hit a woman” then they dont really want to be equals.

The dude was trying to break up a beastie brawl and stop the idiot woman from being hurt and she turned on him.  How crazy is that?  Right now a black woman on twitter will not leave me alone.  I had to block this woman and she went to other people to get them to tweet me her messages!

Did you see how many kids were around watching this?  How in the hell can we not expect violence to come from these kids when they see this?  The most violent sector of the black community is the black women period!  I will not sop calling it out as long as they keep posting it on the internet.  Why is it that the main people egging this crap on are women?  Why is it that the kids dont even seem bothered because hey, this is normal?

Also notice that the girl recording was mad that there was multiple fights going on and she couldnt see them all at once.  Also notice how foul their mouths are yet a nigga want to start 100000  black men against me because I use a word that they use as well?  Seriously how stupid is this?  The woman on crutches couldnt even stay out of it! Way To Go Queens

What are your thoughts of this fight and my commentary?

Snapshot 4 (5-7-2014 9-06 PM)zs

5 Comments so far

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  1. Mark
    #1 Mark 8 May, 2014, 19:25

    Snapack toss champions in action.

    #2 CAMURAI 13 June, 2014, 14:00

    WOW a single black mother, Thats rare

    #3 CAMURAI 13 June, 2014, 14:01

    The Great Separation, in which proto-Whites left Africans
    behind, was a turning point in the upward evolution of Man. Have we reached
    another, downward, turning point?

    Only the most ambitious of the early humans in Africa
    possessed the curiosity to venture beyond their “comfort zone” and
    migrate out of the continent in search of new adventures and opportunities. It
    was this northward migration that exposed our progenitors to the new climates
    and environments that would guide their evolution. This was the historic moment
    that signaled the future birth of our race and all its advancements — and the
    relatively backward nature of those tribes who remained in the tropics.

    Leaving their predecessors behind, the fledgling stock
    pushed onward. Changing selection pressures would favor those mutations that
    bestowed upon the new stock reasoning abilities, deductive thinking, and logic.
    These traits would be necessary in order for the new breed of man, the White
    man, to survive the colder climates to the north.

    The winter season brings new challenges and obstacles to the
    stock. For months at a time the fertile soil becomes a frozen, barren land,
    incapable of cultivation — an inhospitable climate where even short exposures
    can quickly lead to frostbite and death. Gone were the days of endless warmth
    and pursuing only those behaviors that offered the reward of immediate
    gratification. The new breed needed to have the vision to see into the future
    and make plans ahead of time, if they were to survive.

    Through a long and rigorous process, subsistence hunting and
    food gathering, and building temporary structures from mud or straw were
    replaced by agriculture, domestication of livestock, and true architecture.
    These are among hallmarks of civilization achieved by early Whites. And it was
    only when the fundamental problems of day-to- day survival had been solved that
    the mind could be free to ponder the higher things in life — and the infinite
    possibilities of the future. A future with automobiles, refrigerators, television,
    radios, cell phones, satellites, and space travel. Look around you: the White
    man invented virtually everything you see.

    The paucity of invention by sub-Saharan Africans — it is
    virtually nil — is evident. This lack of creative thinking is so because the
    Africans left behind did not follow the proto-Whites along their migration
    routes out of Africa — and hence did not evolve in the same way. It was the
    genetic response to the changing selection pressures generated by the exposure
    to the colder climates of the north that elicited the changes in the genome
    that made our race, civilization, and mighty technology possible.

    To this day, the Blacks who remain in their cradle of
    comfort along the equatorial zones of the earth, as well as those transplanted
    around the world by slavery in recent centuries, remain several steps below the
    White men and women of the West in measured intelligence, self-restraint,
    civilized behavior, artistic and scientific accomplishments, and sexual

    Just as the transitions from ape-like creatures to pre-man
    and then to early African man were giant steps for mankind, so too was the
    transformation of early African man into the White European race during his
    aeons-long journey to the north. It was Whites who gave us the architecture of
    the Parthenon, the Pantheon and St. Basil’s cathedral, the music of Mozart and
    Beethoven, the artwork of Michelangelo and Monet, and the vision of Galileo. It
    was the vast collection of knowledge assimilated by the white European minds of
    scientists like Newton and Maxwell that gave us our vast understanding of
    chemistry and the laws of physics — and all the power that implies. Meanwhile,
    the tribes of sub-Saharan Africa, regardless of where they may have relocated
    in modern times, are still swatting flies and sacrificing chickens.

    In some ways, slavery was the best thing that ever happened
    to the Blacks — who never could have found their way to America (and the
    gravy-train provided by guilt-ridden Whites) on their own. Even today, native
    Blacks have never shown the capability to build a boat capable of crossing the
    Atlantic. Enslavement, torture, rape, and murder were hardly unique to the
    Black slaves taken to America — such was the norm in Africa (most of the
    transported slaves were already slaves while there) and slavery remains an
    institution there to this day. In our world’s rich history of war, every race
    has suffered brutal treatment, attempted genocide, and forced emigration at the
    hands of rival races and nations. Even today in Africa, Blacks are hunted down,
    raped, tortured, enslaved, and killed by the millions — at the hands of their
    own “brothers.”

    Here in America, Blacks enjoy ample food, clean water, and
    the opportunity for a good education, as well as the innumerable modern
    conveniences we all take for granted. Blacks get to be entertainment stars and
    athletes… but still, they complain about the White man. They riot in the
    streets and commit a disproportionately high amount of crime. Even very
    successful Blacks, who “have it all,” like O. J. Simpson, Kobe
    Bryant, and Michael Jackson find it difficult to rise above their genetic
    propensity for violence or disrespect toward others. The savage behavior of
    Black sports stars toward White women is so legendary that it’s become a part
    of folklore and taken almost for granted, as is the brutal deviant sexual
    behavior of Black men in prison, with young White males the usual victims.

    Most alarming to decent Whites is the current push in
    America for White girls to misuse their wombs as cradles for primitive Congoid
    genes — instead of for the sacred purpose for which they were intended.

    While such “mothers” are exalted by the Jewish
    media as shining beacons of light for a new, multiracial society, their
    children have been condemned to inherit genes hundreds of thousands of years
    behind those that built the West. They have been robbed of their genetic
    potential. The mother and her thousands of generations of ancestors’
    contribution to the forward evolution of life have come to a screeching halt.
    The African DNA wraps itself like a parasitic vine around the White helix,
    chocking the life out of it. This is an act of genocide against our people, and
    should be prosecuted as such.

    Schools, under the thumb of our enemies or in the thrall of
    the “equality” religion, have relaxed academic eligibility
    requirements. They must eliminate all evidence of racial inequality and
    “close the education gap” between Whites and non-Whites — or risk
    losing funding. If we can’t bring the minorities up to the achievement levels
    of the Whites, we’ll bring the Whites down to their level. If we can’t bring
    the bottom of the bell curve up, we’ll bring the top down. That way, they’ll
    all be equal — equally stupid.

    And is that not what we are seeing — not just in the
    schools, but everywhere in our society?

    When you look around, do you see evidence that Blacks have
    conformed to White standards of culture, civility, and grace? — or do you see
    Whites conforming to Black norms of disrespect, crudity, ugliness, and
    ignorance? Do you see Black kids walking down the street dressed in fine
    clothes, listening to Mozart, and carrying their physics books? — or are you
    more likely to see White children wearing baggy gang clothes, listening to
    “rap,” sporting multiple body piercings (an African custom), speaking
    Ebonics, with a concealed crack pipe in their pocket, and obsessed with empty,
    lower-than-animal sex?

    On the whole, have the Whites influenced the Blacks in a
    positive direction, or have the Blacks influenced the Whites in a negative
    direction? Even if the answer is “some of both,” there is no way to
    argue that we of the West have gained in any way by the association.

    #4 CAMURAI 13 June, 2014, 14:08

    Blacks,LOL, Can we just give y’all a few states, then herd you into those states and let you corrupt and destroy those states while killing each other off?

  5. Nadia
    #5 Nadia 9 September, 2014, 13:31

    I agree with a lot that Tommy says, but of course, not with all. I admire that he is taking a stand, trying to do something, pointing out things wrong with how people do, act, raise their children. Bringing awareness and talking about these things may be a first step towards improvement. On the other hand, I’m not sure how effective this is. Mothers that don’t raise their kids properly probably need more help than just being told they are not doing a good job. They probably do as well as they can, but they would need a different upbringing themselves, have a job, a better education, etc., etc., to actually understand and be able to do better.

    Also, when Tommy brings up (again and again) that his stalkers will not go to bother these people, I think it’s wrong. They may have done wrong by Tommy but what good would it be for them to do wrong by the people in the news Tommy reports as well? I don’t think he should advocate for this. The same happens when he is glad the man in this video hit the woman. He stoops to their level when he enjoys and therefore promotes the fighting and violence.

    P.S. – Fat, ugly, broke women that look 90 yrs. old also have a right to live (as much right as Tommy or anyone else has). They need help, not to be bashed.

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