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People… Its Time To Rid Ourselves Of ArmChair Revolutionaries! (Video)

People… Its Time To Rid Ourselves Of ArmChair Revolutionaries! (Video)

by August 8, 2014 19 comments

The Revolution Will Be Tweeted!

By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor


Hello Ladies And Gentlemen….. I am Tommy Sotomayor!

Now you have people take time out of their precious lives to come to my youtube channels, facebook pages as well as well as other social media to make sure that my light is put out.  To make sure that my star doesn’t shine quite as bright.  To make sure that whatever revenue stream that I have dries up and to make sure that whatever happiness I have is no more.

Now the people who are doing this are doing it in the name of black empowerment and fighting white supremacy.  So I am very curious to ask, how is ruining the things that I built going to help with that?

On today I have posted several news stories which challenge these same people that are hell bent on destroying me to do something other than be on line talking about one black man.  I challenge these men to step out and either attack someone white like they attack me or help those black people that they say I am putting down.

I dont see how these people can claim that they are so for black people, yet their only successes seem to be destroying other black people!

What is most confusing about all of this is how black people in general dont require much from their so called problack people.  The people that tell them I am bad for blacks never tell them exactly how.  They say that I am hurting peoples feelings and that I am cooning!  The repeat these things over and over until after a while you start to think that this cooning must be a bad thing and it must be stopped but they never tell you what even comes from it.images (7)

Most of what people consider cooning is just them having a disagreement on how things should be or what should be said.  We as black people should be allowed to think different than the next black person.  There is no way that any real man is going to think, act and believe as the next man so why is it that as blacks we are required to have a hive mind?

There is no black way of doing something and if there was then why hasnt it yielded more success than it has?  If there is this white supremacy then why are the problacks not fighting it instead of each other?

I challenge the men who are attacking me to attack homelessness with the same passion.  Attack hunger and joblessness with the same passion.  Attack everything that is actually hurting black people with the same passion as you attack me or shut up about it already!

You see none of the people who claim they dislike me and that I am bad for this so called community doing anything outside of talking about me.  When is the last time you seen them hire a black person?  Set up a job fair?  Pay a bill?  Start an afterschool program?  Mentor a kid?  You never see that.  All you see is them attacking me on facebook or talking crap about someone on youtube.  This is why I call them armchair revolutionaries.

One of the dudes who actually calls himself a revolutionary says that he uses the name not based upon his actions but based upon how he feels in his mind.  Now thats some cult talk right there because to revolt is an action, PERIOD!

Require more from the black people that you follow than talk!  Thats all I ask!


19 Comments so far

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  1. Phillip E Jones
    #1 Phillip E Jones 8 August, 2014, 04:08

    Pro blacks are about bluster only, just check history in the last 30 years do you see anything a pro black has done that is substantial, they are the worst because they claim to have knowledge of self but cannot do anything with said knowledge. The ancestors they claim that their lives are inspired by would be ashamed !

    • Anthony Thomas
      Anthony Thomas 8 August, 2014, 14:21

      Cause Black hinies are precious. Nobody wants to die for a cause more important than individualism. They die over silly sh*t all the time however. There two ways to cause movement among a lethargic population.

      Lead by example or lead with ideas.

  2. Infinite Beauty
    #2 Infinite Beauty 8 August, 2014, 04:11

    Sweet Kitchen…. I see someone works really hard… <3

      PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 06:48

      not the point of the video but that’s what i was thinking too… good for you Tommy… do your thing man… your doing good work

  3. Infinite Beauty
    #3 Infinite Beauty 8 August, 2014, 04:22

    Something tells me that “Laziness” is more common than “Bipolar” today.

    • Anthony Thomas
      Anthony Thomas 8 August, 2014, 14:18

      Laziness is a function of safety and security. Because you no longer have to look over your shoulder and near field threats are hard to understand (like Climate Change) people are very SLOW to react.

  4. Darrinne D Glispie
    #4 Darrinne D Glispie 8 August, 2014, 04:25

    Knowledge is being dropped

  5. Phillip E Jones
    #5 Phillip E Jones 8 August, 2014, 05:16

    My definition of a “pro black” A person who’s eyes are being opened to the true history of black people on this planet yet said persons life highlights the ultimate cowardice in dealing with the system of white supremacy ,they speak in lofty terms and claim their birthright to original man but are unable to begin to change the circumstances of a conquered people that continue to wallow in ignorance

    #6 PRODIGAL SUN 8 August, 2014, 06:52

    sending their videos to their jobs is a great idea… sadly most of these haters don’t have jobs… but if you can… do it

  7. ufokamakazie
    #7 ufokamakazie 8 August, 2014, 07:03

    Hey! tommy making videos while in the kitchen again! When I first started watching your videos, you would be in the kitchen cooking or making a snack. I respect what you do in the streets, but it’s good to see you doing everyday tasks at home again too.

  8. J. Jermane
    #8 J. Jermane 8 August, 2014, 07:22

    Most so-called pro-black revolutionaries are nothing but talking heads who galvanize and gas-up people to take action against “white supremacy” they themselves don’t do. These guys are no better than you’re stereotypical Negro “pimpin” pastor who preaches one message, but lives completely opposite of it.

    • EtherealDesire
      EtherealDesire 8 August, 2014, 08:16

      Exactly. Also, people need to stop repeating everything that tariq is saying, because of his “coon train” video, these pro black people are calling anyone that dares to point out the problems in the black community “coons”. But, they don’t call wiz kalifia a “coon” or two chains “coon” or amber rose an “coon”.

  9. Mad BusDriver
    #9 Mad BusDriver 8 August, 2014, 10:48

    Hotep N!ggas are a lie, always has been always will be.

  10. One Gentleman
    #10 One Gentleman 8 August, 2014, 10:56

    I will add my two cents into the mix. Logic says we should be able to provide points to justify what we are saying. If I believe households without a father or positive male figure, will negatively impact boys and girls, I will have studies to validate talking points as well as experience. It will not be hot air, where I simply talk to spew nonsense. The first approach is difficult, but the latter, it is the path of least resistance–it is easier. If I am an arm-chair revolutionary, it is easy to say “Your commentary on the bad behavior of Black people is wrong, because it spreads negativity.” It takes no work whatsoever to do this and proclaim I am a revolutionary. Psychologically, the audience I cater to will align with this approach, because they too lack logic.

    However, if I as a so-called revolutionary want to prove I am truly one, this takes work. That means, I would have to counter your argument, video-for-video. That means for every bad behavior you point out, I am showing my audience a good video. But once again, this takes work. Arm-chair revolutionaries take the path of least resistance because it requires no work besides spewing nonsense. If you are a disease to the Black community, because you discuss bad behavior…Why has no one countered by entirely discussing the good? Revolutionaries? These people make me laugh.

  11. Ramon Page
    #11 Ramon Page 8 August, 2014, 17:38

    There is a certain “BAMA” from Alabama who keeps kicking that TJ is attacking people for “THE MAN”. I think it’s time for a flag party… is there anyone with me?

  12. Socrates Williams
    #12 Socrates Williams 8 August, 2014, 19:01

    Arm Chair Revolutionaries are afraid. They glamorize what folks like Malcolm and Martin did, because they know they can’t. Fear keeps them in their ‘comfort zone’… the chair.

    Tommy mentioned just a few good ideas for them, like patrolling their corners at night (to keep drug dealers away), to be a part of the Big Brother & Big Sister program. While these ideas seem common, and almost natural for someone who desires to effect change in ones community, it still requires confrontation and/ or interaction. I still shake my head at the men (in particular) who has threatened all levels of violence against Tommy for what he’s said… but you’ll never hear a word or see the results (of their actions) for someone who has done or is doing things DIRECTLY against the black community. Even so far as to cause death, disease, trauma and emotional damage.

    ‘Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Will Never Hurt Me’. This is what was said to me as a teen, to get me involved in ‘the struggle’. The analogy was raised during a meeting after school in which the question was asked… Why are you so quick to step over the mangled, bloodied bodies of your Brothers and Sisters (victims of Police Brutality), just to cut my throat because I tell you the truth. Bunchy Carter was in town promoting the BPP, and like so many others who had to spread the word, constantly came across folks who liked to talk or enjoyed listening to ‘the talk’… but were afraid to take action. When these revolutionaries came to town they never just told you what to do, they showed you. They went out and ‘put their words to action’. Yes, the BPP was about fighting against Police Brutality and Policing their own communities… they were also about the kids and education. The breakfast program (some of ya’ll old farts know) they setup, was actually in response to budget cuts that affected the community, all over the country. They knew that kids going to school hungry, impacted their ability to learn… not just in California, but all over the country.

    I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again… Tommy, keep doing what you’re doing. I might be old, but I can still ‘float like a butterfly’ and sting like a tank. I’m very proud of you.

  13. Lige George
    #13 Lige George 10 August, 2014, 10:55

    This was a good one. I work in education, at a 95% black failing school. Every three years we get new principals because powers at be dont know how to fix this mess. Many of my co-works are alumni of black fraternities and colleges. It sickens me that many of them oppress other black staff and then have never to act like they want to help people. I would never take food out of any black man that was honestly trying to make his way. I dont have have alot of money or large carreer sucess but at least I like what I see in the mirror.

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