Man Arrested After Baby Momma Hit Him With A Pipe Free & Ready To Tell His Side! (Video)
by Tj Sotomayor September 4, 2014 22 commentsThis Is How You Do Things!
By: Tommy “Tj” Sotomayor
Justin Lindsey, the man who was not only assaulted by his baby momma but was then arrested for assaulting her after the incident is now free on bail and ready to tell his side of the story.
While the #LipSmackingMack Tariq Nasheed was busy trying to call the white man to get the law put on a black man, I was busy making sure that same white man was taken off the back of another black man and thats why Mr Justin Lindsey will be joining my show live Friday Nite at 9pm est and if you will be in the Hollywood area, make sure that you buy your tickets to come see the show live as well as bring a friend or two or 8. LOL
One of the very first calls that Justin made was to me when he was released today as he and his mother thanked us for our efforts in getting him out but we can not stop here. I will be making the first donation to this brother as he was not only unfairly arrested but hes not sure if he has lost his job or not and like I told him, I have been through being falsely accused and now here I am year later after never putting my hands on a woman being called a woman beater because whores have no problem lying to get men in trouble. Well it needs to stop now!
Men, it is time for us to stick together and stop being idiots like the ones plastering my mugshot online everyday like it is cute. I was jailed for being with a black chick who felt the best way to deal with me was with the police and because I was a mommas boy I kept going back and its only by Gods grace that I am not in jail or hell now! This was why my mission when I got out was to start my blog and my radio show to get the word out to other brothers that we are not each others enemies!
So while Tariq is doing everything he can to ruin what I built on my own to actually help black men and families, I am busy doing the work that got me where I am!
Justin Lindsey is a father and a black man, a son and a friend to many and to have this done to him in an effort to ruin his life because the woman was mad is exactly how these men who were raised by these type of women, you know like Tariq nasheed, this is why they respond the way they do because its all they know how to do is respond like women.
If you want to buy tickets to the live shows click here
22 Comments so far
Jump into a conversationGreat work Mr. Sotomayor!
Thats whats up…an innocent black man is free
What a glorious day this is.
Excellent work tommy, this is what Sotonation is all about and were getting stronger. Let’s take this to the next level.
Thanks god he’s out looking forward Friday!
I will definitely be tuning in to this! I cannot wait…Good on you Tommy. Keep it up. There are black women out here like me who absolutely applaud and respect what you are doing. It would be great if you could get his ignorant baby momma on the phone too. I’ve got a few choice words for her myself.
That would be great to get her on the line as well. I’m sure she has a lot to say.
Can somebody please tell me how to listen to the radio show, I love in Newark nj and I don’t think it’s on the dial. Do I have to listen online?
Live in Newark nj, although I do my fair share of lovin around here as well. Not sure why auto correct did that. Weird
Thanks tommy I’ll definitely be listening
Although I wish I could’ve garnered a response from you on an opinionated discussion I’ll take it lol
Good Work Sir! It’s Nice To See Any Man Of Any Race Liberated Over Non Sense A Woman Has Put Him Through. I Hope The Court Rules In His Favor. Keep Up The Good Work Mr. Sotomayor.
Great news, however, like you said, it is not over yet.
I Can’t wait will surely be tuning in.
Him getting out of jail is just the start because we all know this bitch will soon (if she hasn’t already) went to put him on child support
That’s why she wanted him in jail the first time, to lose his job so that he comes out to a child support order with no means of paying it.
Good work brother.
I’m not black so i don’t have to resort to dating black women…whew!!! You guys get it hard…The law doesn’t love you and your own women want you in jail.
Yeah,pretty much.
“It doesn’t take much for domestic violence against men to be taken seriously . . . usually, just a chalk outline where a man’s body used to be.” – Amy Alkon
This man should have never done a day in jail. That psycho hosebeast should have been in that jail before that pipe hit the ground. Feminists wonder why they get a bad rap? GARBAGE LIKE THIS! In this upside down society, she could have stabbed him 47 times but if he pushed her off HE’S the brute/criminal/monster. This woman is on a stated mission of destruction of this man’s life and the police do nothing. Meanwhile, all she had to do was make one phone call and she could have ended everything for him. This madness needs to stop and it needs to stop now.
If this man lived near me, I would give him a job and spend enough time with him to become a valid character witness for him. I’d also make sure we documented every time this BITCH called his work and his work cell phone and be sure to file a restraining order on her the first time she showed up at his place of employment to start shit, which you KNOW she would try to do. The laws are cooked against men. Unfortunately the terrible men who are truly abusive have made it so that TERRIBLE WOMEN can cry abuse and have innocent men arrested, kept from their kids and stuck paying child support even though they did nothing wrong. I’ve been fortunate to only have great women in my personal life but I can see why guys are in no hurry to get married, anymore. Look at the shit that’s been programmed into their would-be wives brains!! It seems that the majority of “womens advocate groups” are heavily led by lesbians, who have never been in relationships with men but seem to love to make sure straight women are skeptical and even come to hate men! Maybe its penis envy??? Bitches need to stop cock blocking when all they bring to the fight is a strap-on!!!!!
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