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@WendyWilliams Disses @LilKim Then @tjsotomayor Brings In A Mirror!

@WendyWilliams Disses @LilKim Then @tjsotomayor Brings In A Mirror!

by March 14, 2013 1 comment

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  1. Kishor
    #1 Kishor 22 April, 2013, 20:35

    All I can say is that our President getting ivonlved in this mess during his speech on healthcare was incredibly stupid! I couldn’t believe my ears and my eyes when he took that bait, and I was furious with him. It was incredibly premature and immature, seeing that he knew none of the facts, other than that his friend was ivonlved. Then, he invites them both to the White House for a beer? Please!!!On the most basic of levels, I think all cops have big egos, and I think Mr. Gates has a big ego, and things got way out of hand. It happens all the time, whether everyone is the same race or not. The problem is that the cop with the big ego always gets to slap the cuffs on you, regardless of your color. I’m a white female with a big ego, and I got the cuffs slapped on me when I had it out with a cop with a big ego. All I did was mouth off about an injustice to someone else, and I ended up at the station. It happens all the time.

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